Saturday, January 19, 2013

Breastfeeding 101

Warning: I say the words nipple, boob, vagina and breasts in this post.. so if you are a 16 year old boy, or maybe a 28 year old with the maturity of a 16 year old boy, beware! This will make you laugh.. or cringe..
This morning I took a breastfeeding class offered at the local women's hospital. I want to breastfeed and I have heard a ton of horror stories. For some reason, people seem to be quicker to tell you a horror story then a good one.. plus, I grew up in a non breastfeeding family who thinks breast milk isn't filling enough for a baby... and I knew I had to learn the facts for myself.
In 25 years, my breasts have not been used for anything more than uhm...decoration? fun?.. So in a way, it sorta freaks me out to think that my child will be sucking on my boob, eating. Its almost a vulernable feeling like, I carried my child INSIDE of me for 9 months, pushed her out of my vagina, and now she eats from my about completely taking over a persons body and life.. no wonder Mommy's and babies are SO connected...and on a side note, I am also that much happier she is a girl.. for some reason, the thought doesn't weird me out as much that she is a girl completely taking over my body then if she was a boy lol.. oh my, I really hope I am not the only one who thinks these random weird thoughts lol.

Anywho, so I want to be a breastfeeding mom. The class was amazing. I learned so many new things and the instructor did a great job boosting my confidence in the success rate of breastfeeding and just knowing I need to have some patience, especially in the beginning. Some notes from my breastfeeding book:
*Babies can be breast fed exclusively with NO other foods for at least 6 months before introducing cereal etc.
*Breastfed babies have a stronger immune system than non breastfed babies
*Its a great bonding experience
*On average a breastfeeding mom burns 750 calories a day from breastfeeding
*A mothers milk changes as the baby gets older to become more of what it is the baby needs
*Children who were breastfed have higher IQ's than non breast fed babies

Breastfeeding is great for a child, whether you can do it for 2 weeks, 2 months or 2 years.. the benefits last a lifetime :)

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