Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Inspired by a fellow blogger..

Making: a blog post.
Cooking: Completely homemade banana cupcakes with molasses icing. I will def post the recipe.
Reading: Nothing but I want to be. I need to finally commit to something.
Wanting: a vacation. I have friends on an all inclusive in Mexico right now and its making me dream of Dan and I's honeymoon.
Looking: at the computer and tv (Orange is the new Black)
Playing: Pandora
Sewing: absolutely nothing, I don't know how to sew anything but a button anways.
Wishing: for more motivation.
Enjoying: Sam Adams Belgian Session
Waiting:  for Danny to get back from Bocce so we can cuddle
Liking: the weather today.
Wondering: when is the best time for another baby and why is it so hard to know?
Loving: Our house. Dan just asked me TODAY if I still love it.. we are always randomly saying how much we do and we had a lot of fun showing it off this weekend.
Hoping: The weekend gets here fast.
Marveling: at how much Tor is learning lately. She is picking up words left and right.
Smelling: the air conditioner
Wearing: pajama shorts that are very, very short and should never be seen in public and my color run t-shirt
Following: Celebrity baby bumps. Totally into all of them.. Mila, Snooki, Hayden.. Im on it.
Noticing: How other kids behave. I find myself noticing and wondering how every parent ends up parenting so differently. Crazy.
Knowing: This weekend is going to be a lot of fun. My mom is keeping Tori overnight on Saturday so Dan and I can have friends over :)
Thinking: this post was harder to do than I thought!
Opening: Another beer.
Giggling: At how crazy people get during our Bocce games
Feeling: Happy & Tired

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Downstairs bathroom

So yesterday my mom came up and spent the day with us to help catch up on things we needed done in the new house. When I say 'spent the day with us' I mean the entire day. Like I picked her up at 9:30am and she stayed until 9:30 p.m. Shes crazy. We have our housewarming parties coming up pretty soon... a family party... which is in a little over a week and a party for friends which is the week after that. Those have been our motivation. We got SO much done.
One of our projects was to get the downstairs bathroom done. I am a total sucker for a gray room. In our old house Toris nursery was gray with splashes of pink and blue. I loved and had to have another gray room. Downstairs bath it is. Dan painted it gray (we have a white mirror, toilet, sink, etc...& then silver toilet paper rack, etc) and then by the end of the night, mom and I had found a PERFECT yellow and white valance at the Christmas tree shops that is just the right amount of pop against the gray. I am obsessed with the bathroom.

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