Friday, April 29, 2016

the one where Ava is 5 months old

Ava Estelle
Five Months
About 16lbs. She was 15lbs 8oz at her last check up so I wouldn't be surprised if she is even over 16. She is wearing 6 month clothing comfortably.
Healthy, healthy, healthy girl.
5 months EBF and still not consistently taking a bottle. She is still mostly chewing on the nipple. A friend of mine is a NICU nurse in York and told me to stay consistent with using the same bottles and keep trying. One day she will just do it. So we are hoping that day comes soon. She is still nursing every 3 hours and I have not yet introduced her to any "real food". At this point for Tori, she was alrdy on oatmeal/baby cereal for about a month. Now they say not to bother with that because its empty calories. So starting this week, I am going to introduce her to sweet potatoes. I am hoping this introduction will at least stretch the feedings out to maybe 4 hours or so?
Ava's sleep is not consistent. She will have nights where she does great and gives me 6-8 hour stretches and then nights where she is up every two hours. They say that's a breastfed baby thing but I don't know? I thought I remembered Tori's sleep being more consistent at this point in her age but she was also a breastmilk baby. So who knows.
-She loves to roll over.
-She smiles at everyone.
-She can now reach her piggies and loves to grab them.
-She is forward facing in her baby carrier and loves to people watch.
-She is drooling like crazy
-Her eyes are still blue
-Her hair is just long enough for a little Mohawk
-She is really good in the car
-She laughs at everything Tori does


Friday, April 22, 2016

the one where I am itching for summer

I like my seasons. I like how crisp and sunny the days are in Spring, the way outside smells in the fall, I like snow, I like summer. I don't love Summer. Don't kill me. I just hate getting too hot. Seriously. Why does it go above 80, ever?! There is only so naked I can get and still be considered a lady. So the hot weather and the fact that I sweat like a man, not a good combo.

There are a few things that the past couple of warm days have reminded me that I am SO excited for this coming Summer..

-Day drinking with the neighbors. Don't get your panties in a bunch, I'm not talking binge drinking here people. I'm talking throwing all of our kids in one fenced in backyard, them getting dirty and playing together, all the while the parents are enjoying some music and drinks around the patio table.
-My birthday. I love how having a summer birthday leaves so many options for how to celebrate. This year, Me and Madelyn are going to celebrate together with a backyard day drinking birthday party. Complete with beer pong because when it is your last year in your 20's, you need to remember what it was like to celebrate your 21st. Minus the whole getting kicked out of the bar, rolling down a hill and being hungover for two days thing.
-Fathers Day. I love celebrating my oh-so-hardworking Daddy and also, Dan- who is literally the best dad ever. Side note: It is so special seeing Dan's relationship with the girls. Tori just worships him and I am excited for a day full of celebrating Daddy.
-The beach. We are going for the first time ever not only with friends this year, but my brother, SIL and niece are coming too. Tori and Izzy love and hate each other almost equally (lol) so it is going to be so fun seeing what a week together does to them. And us lol.
-The 4th of July. Easily one of my favorite holidays. I love to dress Tori and I up in theme and this year we get to add Ava to the madness of red white and blue everything so I am excited. Our neighbors throw a huge 4th of July party complete with TONS of kids, lots of food and enough beer to last the summer.
-Nissleys Concerts in the park. We have only been twice but both times were awesome. Wine, live music, food, it really is such a fun time.
-The fact that Ava will be in my favorite baby age range. Where they are happy, rolling, crawling, sucking on their baby piggies. So cute. So fun.
-Pedicures. Summer = no excuse for bad toes.
-Days at Dutch Wonderland. I alrdy have a plan.. be there by open, stay until lunch and then maybe eat and go home or go right home and eat and hopefully the kids will be worn out enough for naps. We have many friends who got season passes this year so we are excited!
-Erica and James having their baby! (and her baby shower in the mean time)
-Dan and I's 5 year wedding anniversary. 8 years together, 5 years married, 2 kids, 2 houses. Life has been busy and has flown by in the blink of an eye. I am hoping we can do something fun to celebrate. I would love to do something overnight somewhere but Ava, my little champion at nursing, has showing almost no interest still in a bottle so we might just have to do a day trip or something where we can take the girls (or at least Ava) along.
-Dan being home all summer.
-Work getting even more busy. I hope the real estate license thing is going to happen for Dan and then we can have an awesome summer being home together and working together. The Angela Rera Real Estate Team. I like it.
-Water tables. Sprinklers. Water slides. Overall water event madness happening in our backyard.
And I will end with this:
ME GETTING A TAN! I do not care if it comes from mornings at DW with my kids. I just need some color. ASAP.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

the one where girls run the world

As a mother of two daughters, I find myself trying REALLY, REALLY hard to raise these super strong women. I want them to know what they want. I want them to know they can do anything they want to do. I want them to date around. I want them to be confident. I want them to get an education. I want them to light up the room. I want them to not take shit (sorry for the language). I want them to stand up for what they believe in. I want them to be brave. I want them to try new things. I want them to experience everything.
In this moment of their lives (specifically Tori) it is hard. I'm scared I am creating a brat. Ugh, I hate to say that. I don't even know if it is the right word. She is very grateful for the things and people she has in her life. Yes, already at the age of 3 I can see that. I can see it in the way that she will say to her Mammy or Pop Pop "Thank you for coming over to play with me". So that's why I don't know if 'brat' is the right word. But the girl knows what she wants.
She might not want you to sit next to her. She might HAVE to have that specific sticker, not the other one you peeled off the sticker book. Today she wants a ponytail. No, she only liked oranges yesterday, not today. She isn't great at sharing. She yells when she gets frustrated. She huffs and puffs.
I know most of that stuff is toddler-hood. I guess I'm just nervous about how long I let it go until it turns into her personality. How do I figure out the balance between strong and stubborn? Knowing what she wants and being too picky?
My tough girl. In so many ways. She is already giving me a run for my money.
My gosh I love her.
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