Thursday, February 26, 2015

the one where TORI TURNS TWO

I am writing this post a little early as I am going to be way too super busy the next couple of days to type it up but here we go:

Victoria is turning two.
TWO YEARS OLD. At two, Tori...

-is 27 lbs and.. Im not sure of her height actually lol the girl is a tank. She is getting so heavy!
-Last night she told Dan and I all of her body parts: hands, feet, hair, head, boobies, belly, eyes, nose, mouth, ears. She is brilliant.
-The only color she recognizes right now pink
-If you ask her how old she is turning she smiles and says "TWO!"
-She is starting to recognize SO many people outside of Mommy and Daddy and her grandparents and Iz. Robbie, Maddox, Mia, Tay Tay, Meg, Jack, Will.. the list goes on. She has a big circle, that girl.
-Tori is obsessed with hugging. It is ADORABLE. She loves to ask Mommy and Daddy for hugs and she also likes to ask us to hug each other.
-She "sings".. as in hears music and makes funny noises and dances
-Tori likes to sit on the kitchen counter while Mommy and Daddy are cooking, or cleaning, or anything else that lets her be on the counter. Daddy is not a huge fan of this.
-Tori is still obsessed with dogs.
-Tori loves the movies Lady and the Tramp and 101 Dalmations
-Her favorite cartoon is still Daniel Tiger (and is what the theme of her bday party is)
-Her best friend is still her cousin Iz.
-She still has her curly hair and I am avoiding a haircut for as long as possible so she doesn't lose those.
-Her eyes are as blue as ever. I think they are sticking around.
-She tells us when she goes to the bathroom. Not before, only after so she isn't quite there as far as potty training but definitely getting close. Probably this summer.
-Tori is my little artist. She loves to paint, draw & "write notes"
-She is impossible to get dressed or change her diaper. She hates laying still so it is a legit wrestling match anytime I want to get her dressed, put on a coat, change her diaper.

My two year old, wow. I love her so.


Thursday, February 19, 2015

the one about Junior League

My friend Courtney has been a member of this thing called Junior League for a short while and reached out to me about joining.
As a wife, the mother of a toddler and someone who also holds a full time job selling real estate and a part time job at LA Fitness (because lets face it, I have worked there for 8 years and worship my coworkers.. and the free family memberships help haha) I didn't know if I could add anything else to my plate. And then.. I learned about what joining Junior League would mean for me. This is not only an opportunity to network and meet some other local mothers... but a chance to make a difference.
Since having a child, anything child related seems to hit close to home so much more. This love that overcomes your entire being once you have a child.. it is overwhelming and it makes you want to save every child that you can. When you and your husband are on the floor playing with your baby and shes laughing so hard that she is begging you to stop.. and the begging you for more.. you look around at your family and think, "I hope that every child out there has a family who loves them as much as we love Tori, or that all the children have a nice warm house, food in their bellies, clothing on their backs....". And then the harsh realization that not every child has that hits you and you wish you could do more.
Junior League does that. They have helped not only children, but women in so many ways in the community. They help local charities and organizations with different things like food drives, clothing drives, they had a recent project where they painted and pretty much completely redecorated a nursery... and now enter my new member class and we are working on a project called "Power Packs Project". Did you know that for some children, the lunch they eat at school on Friday is the last time they will eat until they go back to school Monday morning? I couldn't believe that. It literally was a kick in the stomach. Food. Something most of us would never think twice about. Throwing our leftovers out, tossing out items because we didn't eat them fast enough.. and there are children, in YOUR neighborhood, DOWN THE STREET... who wont eat this weekend. Children who wont be running under their parents feet as they are cooking in the kitchen, children who wont be helping their parents stir anything, children who wont get a meal, let alone seconds.
Power Packs wants to end this in our community. What they do is, they reach out to different school districts to see if there is a need for the families to use their services. Power packs staff pack food for the parents to pick up from the school. One of the coolest things about this is that Power Packs doesn't just throw a box of mac and cheese in a bag and give it to a family, they try to make their meals nutritional, including proteins, fruits and vegetables.. and they give a recipe for the family to follow along with a price guide so the families can see what they would expect if they were to buy the meal at the grocery store. Most of the meals would cost around 5.40 to purchase.
Power packs is only given about 3% of their food in donations. They mostly purchase it themselves for a discounted rate at Central PA food bank. They also have food drives to try to get donations.
We are currently working alongside Power Packs to try to help them however we can. It is looking as if we will be hosting a peanut butter food drive. Peanut butter is one of the more expensive things for the organization to purchase so we are hoping to set up at a couple of local grocery stores and that customers going into the stores will pick up an extra jar of peanut butter to donate on their way out.
This program is at every school district in Lancaster County except for CV (they have a program through a church). Power Packs is looking to expand to York and Lebanon so that may be something else that my Junior League new members group may be working on.
I am so excited and proud to be a part of this group and to get to help give something back to this community. Lancaster county, this community so near and dear to my heart!
*If you would like to donate, or maybe know of a local company that would like to donate, please contact me via fbook or call/text me. Anything and everything helps!!!!
When the new member class was announced (just missing a few ladies)

New members and a few current JL members on a tour at the Power Packs warehouse:

Monday, February 2, 2015

the one with Spring/Summer fashion

I have recently been going a little PIN crazy on pinterest with the Spring/Summer fashion findings.. here are some of my favs!

This bathing suit...I don't know what you call this style bikini but I love the top. I also love a hipster/low rise bottom. I usually get one new bathing suit every summer so I am eyeing them up. I also LOVE the Vintage style bathing suits right now.. the super high waist bottoms and the cute top.

Lace top with high waisted shorts. I didn't try the high waisted shorts at all this past summer. I wont do it with denim.. because that is too close to the 'mom jean' for me but this black style or dressy style I can definitely see myself in. Also, I want to try this style hat. I don't ever wear hats!

  I am about to say something I never thought I would say (you know, after my 8th birthday).. and that thing is: I sort of am loving overalls. Ok people, before you go nuts.. not like, farmer overalls. Im talking cute, sassy, modern overalls lol. I have pinned a picture of cute overalls with a crop top and that is probably the one way I will definitely NOT wear them. I am definitely too old for a crop top (unless it is paired with a high waisted bottom).

These sandals. I LOVE wedges and anything that makes me look taller but lets be honest.. my summers are mostly full of chasing a toddler, bare foot, in the maybe I can get away with these cute flats.

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