Monday, March 31, 2014

Izzy turns three!

My oh-so-sassy niece Isabella Lee is turning three! I cant believe it. My little, sweet, sassy, loud, wild woman, mini-me is going to be three years old!
Since FROZEN is all the rage right now, that is the theme of her birthday party. Little lady has watched it about a million times and is obsessed. The party will be at my parents house. There will be a face painter, frozen wands, snowman popcorn cups and of course good food and cake for our girl.

For those who don't know, Isabella was a big surprise to our family. My brother and his girlfriend (now fiancé) Summer were very young when she got pregnant. I believe Sum was 16 and Stink may have been 19?? Something like that. Anywho, it was a total shock. I remember all of the feelings.. they were hard to take on. On one hand I was happy to get to have a niece or nephew. On the other, I was so, so sad to think of all of things Stink and Sum were going to miss out on with having a baby. How much their lives were going to change. How much Summer was going to have to sacrifice. Missing out on being young, wild, free, running around with friends, going away to college. How much our families lives would have to change and adjust to this new addition. I didn't know if Stink and Summer would work out as a couple.... I didn't know if my family would get to be close to Isabella?... Would Summers family welcome us? The unknown was scary.

Now, here we are.. 3 years later. I cannot even remember life without Isabella. She is the light of so many of our lives. EXTREMELY smart (too smart for her own good lol), shes really funny, loving.. and we have one of the most special bonds and relationships that I cherish more than anything. Also, Summer and my brother are engaged. I love Sum-Sum. Seriously, if you could dream up a sister in law, it would be her. She is a total girly girl like me, loves fashion, is funny, a great mother, loves my bro and loves my Tori. Izzys third bday is not just a celebration of Izzy, it is a celebration of our families. It is taking a step back to remember where we came from and where we all are now. Stink and Summer are engaged to be married, they have an apartment together, Summer is in college and working.. yes, you read that right, the teen mom is BEATING THE ODDS. She is in COLLEGE, she WORKS, she is ENGAGED to the father of her child and she is an AMAZING, HANDS-ON MOTHER! Our families will continue to support them, to support our Izzy.. to do whatever we can to make sure that even though their family may not have started the "right" way... it is perfect to all of us. Stink and Sum are wonderful parents to Iz and I know one day when she is older and understands what they sacrificed for her, she will be so proud of her mom and dad, just like the rest of us are.

Happy birthday Isabella Lee Covello. Zia loves you so, so much. You have made every day of the past 3 years of my life a better, brighter, happier day. XOXO

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