Monday, January 11, 2016

the one with a weekend recap

Friday is our favorite because it means Daddy is home with us! We love when Daddy is home. Mommy gets help. The girls get extra attention. Win-Win all around.
This past Friday Dan worked and then when he got home, we finished up some dinner prep and headed over to the Reeds house. 5 kids in a house because it is too cold to go outside and play is a bit chaotic but they all play so good together for the most part. Quinn got this helicopter toy for Christmas and Tori was obsessed. She loves planes, trains, pretty much any mode of transportation. She was also very quick to catch on when we turned her controller off so she wouldn't destroy said helicopter. Shes too smart for her own good.
Recently Dan's job changed some of their professional development requirements so now, one Saturday a month he has to go to work for four hours in the morning. Its really not a bad deal since its only four hours and usually Saturday mornings are my workout time anyways.. so once Ava is old enough, we will definitely have Saturday morning gym days the once a month that Dan has to work.
Anywho, this past Saturday was Dan's one Saturday shift so me, Tori and Ava had a really slow Saturday morning which I cant complain about. We watched tv, Mommy drank coffee and we stayed in our pj's until Dad got home. When Dan got home Mommy showered and got ready and then headed to US Nails for a pedicure date with my bestie, Meg. She just got back from Spain so I needed a full update on this trip as I had been living vicariously through her the whole week she was gone and I of course updated her on all things working mom life. I am the most exciting person to talk to ever, Im sure.
After my hour long break from real life, I took the girls to my parents house so Tori could have some playtime with her cousin Izzy. Those two. They have a really intense love-hate relationship. It is hilarious. And exhausting... but when they love, they love so hard it makes any of the fights we have to deal with worth it. Then fast forward to the evening and Mommy was relaxing with a nice glass (or 2) of Spicy Red from Nissley's vineyard. DELISH. If you haven't had it before, go buy it.. drink it cold or heat it on the stove and drink it hot. I promise you wont be disappointed.
Sunday: We were SUPPOSED to finally take our tree down. Didn't happen. Maybe this weekend. Dan went to get a drink with friends and then saw a movie. He commented that he felt bad that our time with friends is so lopsided right now (as in he gets plenty and I get an hour here and there).. but there is nothing we can do about that right now with me nursing. Ava eats every 2-3 hours and Im not willing to risk nipple confusion for time away from the house unless that time away from the house is work related and making me money. I am going to suck it up for a little while longer but really its not that hard over the winter. The winter is cold. No one likes to go out when its cold lol.
How was your weekend?

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