Friday, May 8, 2015

the one about being a mom

In honor of Mothers Day this weekend, I thought I would post about some things that being a mother means to me.

-Being a mother means laughing at yourself. CONSTANTLY.
-Being a mother means accepting the fact that you will make mistakes. All the time.
-It means always putting someone else before yourself.
-It means protecting your child with everything in your soul.
-It means watching the same Disney movie over and over again because it makes your baby so happy and you will do anything to make her happy.
-It means singing on the top of your lungs because your baby asked you to & it makes her smile.
-It means eating whatever you can throw together after you give your baby the last of the strawberries and peanut butter.
-It means hanging out outside for hours and hours because your baby is an outdoorsy girl and she loves playing outside.
-It means loving your husband more than you ever thought possible
-It means your heart growing with love more than you knew was possible
-It means having a lot of human fluids on you.. pee, poop, vomit, you name it and it will be on your face or hands
-It means learning how to run on zero sleep.
-It means getting another chance to see the world all over again.
-It means wanting to help others.
-It means loving all children, how innocent they are, how they are the next generation, how they have their whole life ahead of them.

Being a mommy is hard. There are days I want to rip my hair out of my head. Days where I want to sleep the day away.
And then.. more often than not, there are the amazing days. Where Tori and I laugh all day long, we play, we sing, we read, we watch movies, we go to the park.. we talk about life. She knows everything about me... inside (literally lol) and out.
The love of a mother and child.. unconditional and amazing.
I am so happy, proud and blessed to get to do life as a mommy to my sweet, sweet girl.

Happy Mothers Day everyone!

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