Monday, April 27, 2015

the one where Tori is twenty six months old

For everyone who hates that title, Ill rephrase it to
"The one where Tori is just over two"

-She has a list of Disney movies she loves right now. The Lion King ("Mommy, king"), The Little Mermaid ("Mommy, fish", Lady and the Tramp("Mommy, puppy"), 101 Dalmations("Mommy, yucky doggie")! She's addicted. Like she can tell you whats going to happen in the next scene sort of addicted. I could not believe how watching the movies literally made all of the words to every song come back to me. I can literally sing every song. Dan hates it lol.
-She is loving animals and dogs more than ever. She has always been obsessed with dogs but its on a whole new level right now.. we can be in the car and if she sees someone walk by with a dog she will scream her head off because she cant pet or hug the dog. She likes to walk around our backyard and look for bunnies. She bird watches. I am accidentally teaching her to not like cats (the cats in lady and the tramp are evil & Im not a fan of cats so I sort of make a big deal out of that lol). She LOVES the opening scenes to the Lion king because of all the animals. "ZEBRA!" ... "EFANT" (elephant).. "BIRDS".. "MONKEY".
-With her love of animals and being over two years old now, Dan and I are so excited to take her to zoos this year. We are going to start out with Lake Tobias because they have a little safari tour and its not super expensive. Tori would actually be free. I know she would love that. We will probably try to go next month.
-Tori is very interested in other people. She is always asking me (when we go to the grocery store or anywhere in public really) who people are.. "Mommy, who's that?"... (She thinks I know everyone lol). After we look at their name tag (if they work at the place) or ask the person who they are, I always make her tell them what her name is. The response is unreal. People smile, they tell me how sweet she is, you can tell for some people it really makes their day that Tori asked about them. It is so sweet. A lot of people comment on how surprised they are that she is so outgoing already and how in tune she is with others.
-Tori is as obsessed as ever with her cousin Iz. She is always asking me about Iz, where she is, wants to call her.. she gets so happy to see her. They are the best of friends.
-Tori has also had a new found obsession with her daddy. She used to ALWAYS be Mommys girl.. and I mean, she still is.. she still wants to lay on me and wants only me to take her to bed and stuff but shes asking about Dan a lot more during the week.. I guess shes finally realizing that hes not here and that work is a place he goes to. "Mommy, where Daddy go?" ... and shes even been hugging him when he gets home and stuff which is adorable &makes him feel much better, it used to be he would get home and she needed to really warm up to him being home. Shes asking that Daddy do bath time instead of Mommy.. she does this adorable thing when Dan does something silly, shell look at him and say "Dadddddyyyyyyy....." in this almost annoyed but funny way.
-She is an outdoors kinda girl. This tease of spring weather one minute and winter weather the next has been terrible for her. I could take her out back and she will play for HOURS & she doesn't get it when its cold or raining outside so she has a meltdown for awhile and then its distracting her with her favorite movies which I hate. I don't mind that she has movies that she likes and letting her watch them at some point during the day but it is hard not letting her sit in front of the tv and trying to get her distracted with other things. Especially with me and work right now. I have been busier than ever in the real estate world and the fact is, I am on the phone and computer a lot.

So anyways, that's where Tori is right now. The older and more independent shes getting the more I realize shes less and less of a baby. I am without a doubt, more clingy to Tori then she is to me but whatever, I own it. She is more fun than ever, smarter than ever, more beautiful than ever (have you seen this girls curly hair and blue eyes?!)  and I am just more in love with her than ever.

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