Tuesday, March 1, 2016

the one where I write a letter to my Tori on her birthday

Tomorrow my mini turns THREE YEARS OLD.
Days are long. Years are short. Days are long. Years are short.
I am learning that with every passing moment.

Dear Tor Tor,
I cannot believe you are three years old today! Mommy is so happy that you are growing so much and that that you are so happy but days like this also remind me that you wont be my baby forever. You are getting bigger. You are SO SMART. You are breathe taking. Those blue eyes, the way you bat your eyelashes and give a little smirk.. you make Mommy and Daddy melt. Also, might I add- you have the BEST hair. It is crazy and long and curly and you hate when I brush it and when you fight me on that I want to cut it all off but then it dries and pops up into its beautiful little curls.. and I see the gorgeous ringlets around your face and I think to myself that I will never cut it ever, ever, ever. You love animals so much. You are so sweet to all of your stuffed animals, you light up like no other every time you see a dog. You ask to go to the zoo so you can see "river dolphins.. and panda bears.. and pumas". You are SO loud and love to scream. Usually it is happy screams but man you can belt out some unhappy ones too. You are a little parrot and you especially love to copy anything and everything Mommy says. You are the light of my life. Everything from the moment you were born changed for me. All of a sudden, life wasn't about me anymore. It was about this beautiful, innocent, sweet girl, who would fall asleep on my chest every day. Who would look up at me and you could just tell without any words, that there is no one in this world who felt the way we do about each other. I can feel you in my soul. Like, in the depths of it. When I am not with you, I am wishing I was and I am sending you messages from my heart.. because I know you can feel them come to you. I know you can feel me when I am not right there and I know that for the rest of your life, you will always know I am with you. I will always support you. I will always be a guiding light. I want to be better for you. I want to make life everything that you deserve it to be. I have loved you from the moment I knew you were swimming around in my belly. You are my best friend. Happy third birthday. XO, Mommy

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