Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The little engine that could

I think I can, I think I can....

This has to be repeated multiple times a day to myself as I wrestle a 1 year old, PACK MY WHOLE HOUSE, run to the bank for the 101 things that the mortgage company needs from me, work a shift a week at LA fitness, handle my real estate clients and try to maintain my sanity with things like going to the gym and taking Tori to the library.

Life is busy right now.

I am not complaining about the busy with work part.. its the packing that has me all frazzled. We are still in our current home for a few days so how do you decide what you HAVE to keep out, what can be packed away now, what to throw out, what to save for Good Will, etc.?

How do I convince my husband that we do NOT need EVERY SINGLE PIECE of Tupperware at our fingertips this week? We "have to pack those last"... no we don't. How do I convince my husband that no we don't wait until the day before to pack up all of our clothes? I do not need summer dresses right now and I don't need hoodies right now. I will easily wear the same 3 outfits over and over again for a week.

Packing is hard when you have two chiefs and no Indians.

But, to look on the bright side... the light at the end of our tunnel: We move into our new, big, beautiful home this weekend. Life is good.

And for those who have wondered where the pictures of the new house are... as I am a huge SHARE-ER (not a word) of pictures on social media... I have decided to wait until Settlement day to post. As a real estate agent, I know all too well not to count your chickens before they hatch. So keep an eye out for this Friday, as soon as its officially ours its posted!

*Side note: I used two expressions in this blog post CORRECTLY. That is a record for me.

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