Wednesday, October 23, 2013


I am on the board for an event called Sweat-A-Fit. It is an awesome workout event that raises money for different local charities. My friend Megan (also known as my Maid of honor and bff) heads the whole thing and she is awesome. She is someone who is VERY committed to living a healthy/fit lifestyle and very committed to educating others in the benefits of doing that for you and your family. Money raised has gone towards things like Daniel's Den (a park for handicapped children), IU 13 (money went towards gym equipment for Lebanon/Lancaster School districts) and this year the money raised will go towards Lancaster's Boys and girls club.

A little on the girls and boys club:
"The Mission of Boys & Girls Club of Lancaster is to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to become productive, caring, responsible adults. We provide an environment where members can achieve: Positive self identity, a healthy lifestyle, a strong character, educational success and social competency".

Deets on the event:
You can register for up to 8 hours of events including: Zumba, Yoga and/or Indoor cycle. You do NOT have to register for the whole 8 hours. You can register for however long YOU want to do. You can also break up the 8 hours worth of events you want to do. For example, you could do 2 hours of zumba, 2 cycle, 2 yoga... 6 zumba, 1 yoga, 1 cycle... 2 zumba and go home. The cost for students is $15, non students $ can also make a team and we encourage raising more money but that is up to you. Snacks, lunch and drinks are provided. These things are donated from various restaurants, stores, etc. The first 100 registrants get a free t shirt and goody bag. We also run a raffle where you can buy tickets and try to win different prizes and we also give door prizes. The event is held at Millersville University in their huge, beautiful new gym.

I cannot stress enough how fun the whole day is. Everyone is SO energetic, enthusiastic and has the best time. We all run around like crazy singing, dancing, and trying to keep each other all pumped up for the long day. Let me know if you have ANY questions!


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