Thursday, October 18, 2018

the one where Mila is 11 months old

Yes, yes, Im late, I know.... but only by a week, so I feel like thats not too bad.

Mila Soleil
Eleven Months Old
Over 19lbs (60th %) and 30 in long.. wearing size 12-18 months 
Two bottom teeth have finally broken through and the doctor just said today that it looks like her top two are going to pop through any day now.
Mila gets her MRI on Monday, please send positive vibes her way. 2nd time under anesthesia before age 1. All in an attempt to figure out what caused our babys partial hearing loss. Thats more big news: She gets her hearing aid in about a week and a half. 
Formula and food! If she is ever cranky and doesnt want to be on the floor, we stick her in her high chair and give her food. The girl gets HANGRY and nothing makes her happier than food. Fact. 
Her naps are either once a day or twice a day. She goes to sleep around 7 every night and wakes up at about 6:15 no matter what. Every attempt we have made at keeping her up later in hopes of her sleeping in later have failed. Girlfriend is an early bird.
-She is STANDING and now officially pulling herself up into standing position all the time.
-Her eyelashes are still the first thing about her that people comment on.
-Loves to wrestle with anyone who will get on the floor with her.
-Growls and grunts anytime shes mad. Or happy. Or trying to make you laugh.
-Claps for herself.
-Says "yay" and "dada" 
-Not a huge fan of being held by anyone but Mommy
-Makes the cutest scrunchy faces
-Loves the kids club at the gym

My baby will be ONE in less than a month.
I can hardly believe it!

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