Wednesday, July 13, 2016

the one where you tell Tori your name

Hello friends. It has been awhile that I have posted anything other than an Ava monthly update. Let me start by saying, thanks for sticking around. Frankly, we have been having so much fun with Daddy home this summer that I am just too busy to blog. Or actually-too busy to remember to take pictures and blog right away so a lot of the fun we have been having I have forgotten details of before I can blog about it. Oops.
Today, Ill be honest-this post is a bit about bragging about my Tori and a bit about something I think every parent should do. And I mean that in a not bossy or that I know everything sort of way. But it has proven to add some happy.

Tori loves to know peoples names. It is how she connects. When we are at a restaurant, the grocery store.. pretty much if she locks eyes with you or wants any sort of interaction, she will ask you what your name is. Sometimes if she is feeling shy she will ask Mommy to ask for her but then I always tell her "its ok, you can ask him/her what their name is"...
People love it. I cant even tell you how many times people have told me they think it is just so sweet that she wants to know their name. This girl, already connecting and touching people in such a sweet and simple way. Its pretty awesome.

Rewind to a couple of weeks ago. We are at a birthday party and there is a family there with their two daughters. Their younger one has special needs. Tori notices she is playing with some toys that look fun and Tori heads over and asks the little girls mom "What is her name?".. The mother replies "This is Kayla.. thanks for asking Tori, you are playing so nice". Simple. Simple. Simple.
Before Dan and I are leaving the party.. the mother of the little girl says to me, "You are doing a great job with Tori..., she came over and played with Kayla and asked me what her name was.. a lot of kids see that she is different from them and cant play the way they do and they lose interest in her or pretend shes not even there. Tori just asked her name and played with her so sweet. Shes such a good girl".
I left the party and cried. Ugly cried. Like couldn't tell Dan why I was crying because I would cry harder cry. First, I know Tori is only three, so to her-she probably didn't see anything was different about this girl to begin with.. but regardless, she connected. She took her little bit of understanding about how happy it makes people when she asks their name and she rolled with it. She played with her. She shared with her. And her mom noticed. The little girl, Kayla didn't have a clue what was going on. No clue that she is different. But her mom, her mom does. Her mom knows that kids don't play with her. Her mom knows that she looks different and that people do sometimes make assumptions about her not being able to play. And in that moment, my sweet little Tori.. the one who loves to make people feel special.. did that for this mom. She made her so happy with just the most simple gesture. Ok, now I'm crying again just thinking about it.

Anywho, I guess my point is to not underestimate the power of a simple hello. A simple what is your name? A simple smile when you make eye contact. Your children are watching. They watch how you treat everyone you come across. Be someone that you would be proud of your child becoming.

 My little photographer who has the most pure heart

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