Thursday, June 2, 2016

the one where Ava is 6 months old

How did a half year pass already?! My baby. My little itty bitty baby is now 6 months old. The fact that she was born over holiday season and that shes my second, wow.. its a blur.

Ava Estelle
Six Months
Ava is 17 lbs 6 oz and 26 inches long. 65% for weight, 72nd for height and her head... 98th percentile. Big head just like her big sister. Tori grew into it so I'm sure Ava will have no problem lol.
Healthy baby girl. The only thing we have to work on health wise is more time on the floor to exercise those legs. She isnt a fan of putting weight on her legs which the Dr. was not concerned about, she said she is just a little lazy! I blame her thighs. They are no joke!
6 months EBF. I have only given her "real food" twice. Both times she had a belly ache so I stopped. The Dr. said that was normal and her belly has to get used to eating food. She said to start giving her anything she wants that isn't a choking hazard. When I had Tori they said no strawberries until age 1, now they say Ava can start them now. The Dr. also said to just jump into table food. Puree whatever we are eating and feed it to her. I made Tori's baby food so I'm on board for that.
Ava's sleep is killing me a little. She goes to bed somewhere between 7-8:30 and sleeps until 12 or 1am. Then after that she gets up about every 2 or 3 hours. The pediatrician said there is no reason at her age that she is doing that. She does not need to eat overnight. She said a baby her age can definitely sleep somewhere between 8-12 hours a night. She suggested I officially move her into her own bedroom so she cant smell me and that I let her cry it out a bit. She said about 3 nights of torture and then she should be good to go. We will see. I think I am going to wait until Dan is out of school for the year (on Tuesday).. and do a little sleep training.
-She grabs at anything and everything, especially hair.
-She still smiles and laughs at everything.
-She loves bath time with her big sister.
-Loves to look at herself in the mirror.
-Loves to grab Daddys beard.
-Wearing size 6-9 months clothing.
-Can move herself around on the floor.


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