I have had absolutely no experience with pneumonia at all. I have never known anyone to get it and the worst sickness I ever had as a child was the chicken pox.
Then my baby gets pneumonia! What the heck?!
She has had a cough for a couple of weeks (like a month and a half) and when we took her to the pediatrician they told us it wasn't anything to worry about and was probably just allergies because she did not have any other symptoms. I really don't blame them (Dan does lol) except that then on Sunday... Tori woke up from her nap with a 101.3 degree fever and her cough still going strong.. I call the after hours doctor who told me just to give her Tylenol and wait to bring her into the doctors office on Monday. I am really glad Dan and I ended up trusting our intuition (her breathing seemed heavy) and we went forward with heading to a patient first.
She had to get chest x-rays, a shot, weighed, they listened to her lungs.. poor thing, that is a list of pretty much everything she hates. Hates sitting. Hates the doctor. Hates the doctor touching her. Hates them listening to her chest. Hates shots.
They said it was pneumonia and if we wanted we could take her to the ER. The doctor there said he wouldn't take her there if it was his child as he didn't think they would do anything for her that he didn't already do and she seemed to react well to the shot (no reaction or anything) so to move her into our bedroom for the night and monitor her breathing overnight and if at any time it seemed worse, head to the ER immediately.
Waking up every 1-2 hours is not fun but very luckily, Tori was breathing fine and it did make Dan and I feel better to have her in our room.
Come Monday Tori was a completely different child. She was eating, playing, running, laughing.. being her normal, silly little self again. The shot and her 10 day antibiotic seem to be working. Today she seems good too and doesn't have a fever. We are heading to a new pediatrician office today to do a follow up/make sure the pneumonia is clearing up. We have been in the house since Sunday (and probably will until tomorrow)... the dr said she should be better within 5-7 days and her meds are to be taken daily for 10 days.
I am excited to hopefully get good news today and be able to get my baby some fresh air tomorrow.
Life seems to freeze when your child is sick. It was very hard seeing her like that. Thank you to everyone who has prayed, texted, called, etc. We appreciate it!
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