So 19 months.
-This kid is funny. I am not kidding. I laugh so hard I cry.
-She tells us when she has gone #2. Even that is hilarious and cute. "Mom, poo poo" while she walks towards me and grabs her diaper.
-She only says "Mom" with a yelling tone of voice. "MOMMMMMMMMM". As of right now, I think its adorable and hilarious. (Surprise surprise, I think everything my child does is adorable).
-She loves to jump and has finally been able to catch a little air.
-She loves dogs. Loves, loves, loves them. The real thing, pictures of them, cartoons of them, stuffed animal dogs.. she does not discriminate. She lets my dog Kendra (much to my dismay) lick her right on the face all the time. She thinks its the funniest thing.
-She loves to kick and is really good at it!
-Her best friend is her cousin Isabella and our neighbor boy "Bubba". She wants to do whatever they are doing when she is around either of them. She recognizes them in pictures, asks to talk to them and see them.
-She is understanding us so much. We can ask her if shes hungry, where her shoes are, if she wants water... and she gets it. She will say yes or no.
-Her favorite snacks are goldfish and watermelon. The girl seriously loves to eat watermelon. I don't know if she would stop if I let her keep going.
-Tori only drinks water and is officially off of the bottle. We give her milk at bedtime in a sippy cup but other than that she doesn't really drink it. Its like she has deemed it her sleep drink so she cant drink it at all other than bedtime/naptime.
-She loves Daniel Tiger. She watches him for a little in the morning while Mommy blogs and drinks her coffee and then usually at either dinner time or right before bed.
-She says "no no" in the cutest little way. She points her little finger and looks right at you and shakes her little finger saying "no no" in the cutest, girliest voice ever.
-We have been getting to the library for toddler time about once a week but it has been pretty hit or miss. I like to go because when its a hit its really cute. They read a book and play with toys, etc and its FREE which is great.. and the library is beautiful. When toddler time is a miss (which is because its at 10:30am and she naps anywhere between 11 and 12.. so if its an 11am day then a meltdown usually happens).
So my girlfriend (or "Mommy's shadow" as Daddy likes to call her) is officially closer to a 2 year old than a 1 year old. That is weird. I can still remember the early nights, being so exhausted that I didn't know if I could physically make it through. All of the not knowing... am I doing this right? Is she getting enough to eat? Do I read to her enough? I didn't know how people choose to have more than one child (lol). And now here we are, 19 months later. We are doing so, so good and with every day that passes it is more and more obvious to me how much she and I were meant for each other.
My heart could explode it's so happy.
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