My baby girl is 18 months old. A year and a half. My toddler. AHHHHH.
At 18 months:
-Says a ton of words... "uh oh" "mommy" "daddy" "nonna" "no" "all done" "snack" "more" "help" "hot" "please" "hi" "bye"... she is even putting two words together... "bye dad" "more please"
-She is a monkey. CLIMBS on anything and everything.
-She does things she is not supposed to do... ON PURPOSE. Like looks right at you and waits for your reaction sort of thing.
-She only regularly gets one bottle right now. Her nap bottle (bedtime bottle is super occasional)
-Has a TON of teeth. The poor girl only had two by her first birthday and now they are coming in like crazy.. even 2 premolars. So I think total that are in are 6... and then there are 4 others that have just popped through but are not completely out yet. I will miss her gummy smile.
-She loves to brush her teeth
-She is obsessed with water. Dukes Lagoon at Dutch wonderland = her favorite place ever. She LOVES bath time... when I tell her its time for a bath she runs right to the stairs and points up the steps for the bathroom.
-She loves to be outside. Out back is always the go-to when we need help turning her attitude around lol
-She is a great sleeper. Sleeps from 8pm-7am every day and naps from about 11-1:30.
-She is really into giving hugs and kisses right now which I love more than anything in the world. They are awesome hugs where her little arms are wrapped the whole way around your neck and she squeezes. She especially loves to hug mommy and her cousins (Izzy and Sami).
There is a ton more about Tori at this age I could write but I know I would still miss a ton anyways. I am loving this age. We are having so much fun with her and somehow I fall more and more in love with her everyday. She is so beautiful, so sweet and so funny.
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