What a whirlwind the past 10 days have been. Before I get into any detail as far as what being a parent has entailed for me this week, I wanted to post about Tori's birth story while it is still fresh and clear in my mind. It happened to be one of the best, most amazing, tough, challenging days of my life and I hope I can remember it forever.
My pregnancy had been really, really smoothe up until about week 36. That is where high blood pressure and high levels of protein in my urine had crept up on me, turning into pre eclampsia. I was terrified, Dan was terrified. Everytime I had a headache, looked pale or anything, it was cause for concern. I had a dr appointment where they decided they wanted me doing a 24 hour urine test for the 2nd time because the level of protein in my urine had sky rocketed to 2000, they dont like to see it above 300. This was a Wednesday, I did the test all day Thursday and turned it in Friday morning. The midwife scheduled a follow up appointment with me for that Monday unless she said they had cause for concern in which case they would call me to go in and be induced asap. I got the call Friday afternoon, it was a nurse from May Grant who said to me "We have some bad news".. No one ever wants to hear those words when you are 38 weeks pregnant, have high blood pressure and anxiety.. and she followed it with "Your protein levels are the highest we have seen for you and you need to be induced immediately, the sooner you can get here the better. Come to triage and we will be getting a room reserved for you". OMG.. I am about to have my baby. I have to call Dan.. he is not going to be expecting this at all, neither of us have packed yet! I call him and he answers while teaching and I say to him "You are going to be a daddy this weekend, we have to go to the hospital as soon as you get home". He was happy, scared, anxious... everything you would expect.Once he got home and we packed for the hospital it was hitting us hard, we were about to become a family of 3 plus Riley. We lined up a sitter for Riley, called our parents to let them know and also to tell them we would call them when we were ready for them to come to the hospital etc.
Once checking into triage they tell us they are super backed up, apparently everyone decided to go into labor the same day. We waiting in triage for hours, it was awful and we were both getting so annoyed and pissed, if the baby and I were in danger and I had to be induced immediately, why did I spend 3 hours waiting in triage?! Ugh, awful.
Finally we got back to our room and the nurses and midwife started giving us an update on how everything was going to go. First off they told me about an awful medecine I would have to take through an IV called Magnesium. They literally all told me it was absolutely awful, most women vomit pretty consistently throughout the time they are on it and to not be scared or surprised by getting the chills. They also told me they would start pitocin on me and check me every couple of hours to see what sort of progress I was making. This was the kicker.. although pitocin speeds up contractions, magnesium slows them down but I needed it in order to be safe from the possibility of seizures so my body was pretty much going back and forth fighting itself with what to do. I had the chills pretty instantly, a constant headache and although I didnt vomit I was on the verge of it the whole time. They also told me I would have to stay on the magnesium for at least 24 hours after the baby was born which made me upset to think of how sick I was feeling and the chance I wouldnt get to fully enjoy my girl.
Once contractions started up they were AWFUL. I have NO idea how any woman on the planet gives birth naturally. I would breathe through the contractions ok but would get so anxious thinking there was another one coming. I was about 3cm dialated.. another lady down the hall was giving birth naturally and was literally screaming bloody murder lol. I was sick, kept calling my nurse "Nina" when her name was "Tina" and couldnt stop shaking. Stuck at 3 cm I asked for an epidural. The anestesiologist was amazing! I am normally terrified of needles but he was really informative, kept me really calm, and Dan did a great job holding my hand and distracting me. He kept telling me he was so proud of how strong I was being. By the time I got that I was 4 or 5 cm dialated and hit a wall. I wasnt really moving so they up'd the pitocin again and before I knew it, it was Saturday evening and I was 7cm. FINALLY MAKING PROGRESS. At this point my mom, dad, grandma, Dans mom, Dans brother, our SIL Taylor and Courtney were at the hospital. They would come in and out of the room to visit me and see how I was doing. Courtney was so amazing during this time, she brought a bag with a fan in it (perfect for Dan who needs that noise to sleep), an extension cord, a couple snacks, a few magazines, etc. All stuff that Dan and I happened to forget and definitely came in handy.
10 cm. the midwife came in and let us know I was ready, my mom went into the waiting room and told Dan who at this point was eating out there with our visitors and his mom. I had been at the hospital 30 hours and was finally ready to get the party started. They came back in and the midwife started talking to me about what positions I wanted to deliver in. Feeling so sick and delirious I really hadnt though much about it. She also said to take my time, most first time moms are pushing for at least 1-3 hours so I would get there eventually. The first position we tried they had me sit up, as soon as I did, the room started spinning (from the magnesium) and I thought I was going to be sick so I told her I couldnt do it that way. She then introduced the "tug of war" method.. she tied a sheet around a bar connected over my bed, gave me the other end of it and told me to take a deep breathe, hold it in and push. I kept letting the air out when I would push, I think because I was used to breathing in and out during the contractions. The cool thing with the epidural was that I couldnt feel pain but I could feel pressure, so it was nice I felt like I could actually sort of feel what was happening the whole time. I felt when to push, I felt when she was starting to come out etc. After about 40 minutes the midwife said to us "Look down and see your baby girl" and Dan and I got to watch the most beautiful, crying, slimy little girl as she got put right on my chest. I started sobbing hysterically. I cannot put into words the amazing feeling of your child being born. Looking at her and meeting her for the first time, looking at my husband, the start of our family, I will cherish those moments forever. They will be forever engrained in my head.
Other than feeling nauseous afterwards, some breastfeeding latch issues, a nurse who took me off magnesium and then had to put me back on because she didnt confirm with the midwife(yeah that really happened. I wanted to kill her).. I was feeling pretty lucky and content. My body went through something I had never done before and I was really proud of myself and of Dan for getting through it together.
After she was born, seeing Dan with her, watching her get passed around to our family and friends... the whole feeling was so surreal, this is what life is all about. She is my best friend, my mini me, my proudest achievement in my life. Dan and I feel so lucky to have been blessed with this angel. Victoria Luna Rera 6lbs 11oz 19in long. Perfection.
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such a beautiful moment! Im so happy for all of you!
ReplyDeleteO that made me tear up, so happy for you and your little family!!