Today Victoria had her 2 week check up. She is 7lbs 2oz, up 9oz in a week! FANTASTIC news. I immediately feel so much better about my parenting and how things are going once I hear she has gained some weight. I want to fatten this girl up. I had a talk with the pediatrician, explained to her that I am pumping exclusively and she was so amazing and supportive. I really love the pediatrician/the office. She is great at getting you in and out pretty quickly while still making you feel like she has time for you and you arent rushed at all.
She told me she could tell just how much I really love the baby and want to do the best for her because of me pumping. She stressed she knows how time consuming it is, how stressful it can be and how most people will switch to formula faster if they are having breastfeeding problems so I should be really proud of making it as far as I have with pumping. I told her my goal as of right now is to finish off the month pumping, then decide if I want to do two months and then probably start supplementing formula with the breastmilk after that. She reminded me that I have to do what is best for Tori and I. That is not going to be what is best for the mom next to me and that is ok. She also stressed that no matter how long I pump, I have made it far and formula is ok. She reminded me we are blessed with an environment where the water is clean, formula is at its all time high in how healthy it has ever been and my girl is doing fabulous. My confidence in being a parent is slowly getting better. No one prepares you (which I think is because there is no way of getting prepared) for how much you are going to question yourself as a mother. Your every decision is for this child and you cant help but question if what you are doing is right.. and what I have to remember is that even if its not right, its ok, I can change it as we need things changed.
My appetite is so weird now. I feel like I am never hungry until dinnertime. I literally have to make myself eat. I am trying to be good about it since I know your food intake affects your milk supply and with me pumping I dont want to risk it. Lots of water and healthy food. The only perk of this is my weight loss which I dont think I can even fully give credit to this for, I am pretty sure with my blood pressure issues most of the weight I gained was water/fluid.
The doctor recommended I not take the baby into public places until she is at least a month old. This is difficult because I am bored. She said to only take her out if I have to and its going to be a short trip. She also said not to let strangers touch her. WHAT?! If a stranger touched my child I can let you know right now there will be an armless person walking around.
I love spending time with my girl, but she sleeps and eats basically... so other than the few hours in the morning that she is awake, she pretty much chills out. I can talk to her all I want but she doesnt talk back lol. I will have to make it a point to have company over more or maybe go to my parents a couple times next week or something. My sister in law Taylor has spring break next week so I will try to take advantage of her being around as much as possible!
So that is my 2 week update, I am excited to watch this beautiful girl grow, I knew she had gained weight, I could already tell a difference in her face (she has an awesome double chin) and I am excited to continue to watch her looks change and personality develop. For your viewing pleasure..
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O my goodness she is so beautiful!
ReplyDeletesuch a beauty!