Thursday, December 21, 2017

the one where Mila is one month old

Mila Soleil
One Month
Little lady is weighing in at 10.5 lbs, 21.25 inches long, percentiles falling in the 60th for both. She is wearing size 0-3 months with a little room. We are loving footie pajamas.
Mila failed her ear screenings twice at the hospital at birth. Both times in her left ear. Doctor said it was common when you deliver a baby quickly because "not all of their fluids get pushed out". I'm a little anxious because we do have to follow up with an audiologist in a couple of weeks. Send us all of your positives vibes, prayers, etc that everything is ok. Other than that, little beeb is healthy!
Breastfeeding. How I love and loathe you. Mila is a very efficient eater with nursing sessions only lasting 10 minutes max. Sometimes she eats from both sides.. sometimes only from one. Doctor says its fine, she's gaining weight and thriving. We also (just today actually) got meds for thrush. I have never had it before. The dr says its mild as of right now, so hopefully starting the meds today will clear it up quickly.
Mila is a bit of a night owl (like her sister Ava was) and doesn't typically go to sleep until somewhere between 10 and 11. From there she will give me one good stretch of somewhere between 4-6 hours but that varies. As of late, when she wakes up to nurse at 3 or 4 she likes to stay awake and party for a bit before falling back to sleep (about an hour later) and then sleeps until her big sisters get up and wake her.
-She has started smiling
-Her favorite person is Mommy
-The bigger she gets, the more she looks like Tori
-Naps in her swing throughout the day
-Sisters fight over who loves her the most
-She is really strong and can hold her head up really well and is even getting up on her side in what looks like an attempt to roll over
-Not a fan of her car seat

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

the one with breastfeeding the third time around

If you have been around these parts for awhile, you know I have struggled with breastfeeding in the past. With Tori, mastitis 5x in 4 months.. Ava mastitis once.. clogged ducts, cracked and bleeding nipples... you name it, it happened to me. I have also been across the board as far as how I have fed my babies. Tori, pumping exclusively for 4/5 ish months before switching completely to formula.. and to the complete opposite spectrum of nursing Ava for 18 months (and her NEVER taking a bottle). Now, it is Mila's turn to give me a run for my money with the nursing thing.

Lets start at week 1-2:
Latching an infant is NOT EASY. I do NOT understand how or why nurses, movies, social media and other Moms alike try to make it seem like the most simple thing ever. Nope. I have never once had a baby be born and her just camp out on the boob and never have an issue. Mila was the same as Tori and Ava in that it took legit training to get her to latch. The first week or so was terrible. I was in an intense amount of pain and my poor nipples.. oh man, those things took a beating. Cracked. Red. Painful. I couldn't let water touch them in the shower, I didn't like my clothes rubbing on them. I was using Neosporin and nipple cream every minute it felt like. I was NOT going to become a slave to breastfeeding. I was NOT going to make myself nuts with the pressure to make breastfeeding work. I have two other kids for goodness sake. I cant let them suffer with a stressed out Mom all because of breastfeeding. So just like I did with Ava, I turned to the lactation consultants at her pediatrician office (Eden park). And like with Ava, they were lifesavers. I cant describe how much more calm they make you feel. I wasn't crazy. There is nothing wrong with Mila. We just have to learn what works best for us. We also had to get my nipples healed. I had to use a nipple shield on my cracked nipple everyday for a week. I also had to use Neosporin on them to help with the healing process. I tried to avoid bras at all costs and kept the boobies out of the shower lol. After a few days I saw a major difference. Then I had a clogged duct (because you know, one thing after another lol). After a couple of days of massaging etc, it went away. It is so crazy how in the moment, the whole process seems SO HARD and SO PAINFUL. And while it is, you really can (and do) get through it... then all of a sudden, it seems like it was forever ago. I am so happy I didn't quit.

Fast forward to week 4ish
Mila is nursing AMAZINGLY. I cannot believe that it was only 3 or so weeks of pain and suffering (lol) this time around. Throughout the day shes nursing anywhere from every 2-3 hours.. and overnight shes anywhere from 2-4 hours (depending on how her gas issues are.. man I forgot how fun the first couple of months are LOL). My nipples are 100% healed, there is absolutely ZERO pain when she latches/nurses and I have even braved nursing her outside of our house a few times. She has only just started using a pacifier about a week or so ago so we have been focusing on getting her to use that for comfort (insert: gas discomfort) and then I am pumping here and there so we can introduce her to a bottle. As much as I love nursing her and am desperately holding on to these times (as it is definitely my last go with nursing and this whole infant thing).. I also do not want to be a slave to nursing the way I was with Ava. 18 months of never leaving your baby for more than 3 hours is a LOT. My poor husband lol.

In conclusion:
Breastfeeding (at least for me) absolutely was an easier process to start and stick with this third time around. I feel more confident (in general) with breastfeeding and what I am capable of. I am trusting my body and trusting Mila and together we are moving right on along with this journey.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

the one with Mila's birth story

Mila Soleil is here! Oh wait, she has been for almost a month already haha. To say Im a bit behind on the posts is an understatement.

I'm a sucker for a birth story and love reliving mine. So without further delay.. here is my littlest girls' birth story...

Rewind to Friday the 10th. It was around 5pm and I all of a sudden remembered that I couldn't figure out the last time I felt the baby kick. The day was busy, I was running around with the kiddos a lot.. usually her kicks can stop me in my tracks and I couldn't remember it happening. I ate some ice cream or something else sweet (I cant remember what exactly).. and there was maybe one or two kicks.. but not her usual.
I called into the dr who had me go into May Grant after hours to be checked out. The nurses hooked me up to a bunch of machines and did some testing and came to see that the babys heart rate was elevated. Super elevated. 170s/180s (her typical heart rate was around 140). They couldn't figure out what would be causing that and sent me to triage. More tests. More monitoring etc.. babys heart rate was still elevated and with my due date being the following day, they decided to induce me. A baby born on their actual due date, yay! Apparently that only happens like, 3% of the time or something crazy like that.
I was very surprised to find that the third time around, contractions were not kicking my ass the way they did with my first two deliveries. My first two deliveries, I was more than ready for my epidural around 3cm dilated and this third time around.. I was at 6cm dilated before I even really considered the epidural. The nurse told me that if I was considering an epidural, I should order it soon because there is a point of no return where they wouldn't be able to give me one. The idea of pushing a baby out with no epidural was not even an option in my mind so I ordered it at that point. The anesthesiologist came to give me the epidural and I wasn't feeling nervous at all. I remembered with Tori and Avas births that I hardly felt the epidural.. and I came to realize that was because my contractions were so terrible that the epidural needle felt like nothing. I was just desperate for the meds. This time around, with my contractions not being so rough, the epidural was brutal. I felt everything. I had nothing to distract me from the pain and I cried a lot. I was not expecting that at all. I guess that goes with giving birth though, you really don't know what to expect. Once my epidural was all set I started having issues with the epidural. My entire left side (from about my armpit down) was numb. My entire right side I could feel. It was so strange. It took what felt like awhile for the doctor to get everything even. I had to switch to certain positions to get the meds to come into me in different ways, etc. I will say, after all is said and done, I still swear by the epidural lol.
Fast forward (not really so fast because it was about 24 hours total) to pushing. A total breeze. I had to try a couple different positions to find my rhythm but a short ten minutes of pushing later and baby Mila was born. 8lbs 1oz. I do not have small babies when they are full term. She has dark hair and was puffy (not as much as Ava was at birth).. the third time around, was just as sweet as the last two times. She was so beautiful, they laid her on my chest, there were happy tears shed and I kissed her little wet head and smelled that amazing newborn smell and couldn't believe she was finally here. Our third duck. Here to complete our family.

#thererasisters #rerapartyof5


Sunday, November 5, 2017

the one where I am 39 weeks pregnant

Guys, the end is near... it is so close I can taste it. You know, so close, yet so far.
Why do the last 2/3 weeks of pregnancy feel longer than the first 8 months?
I guess its because we have had 8 months of preparing and dreaming and the only thing that makes the whole process worth it is finally meeting your sweet little baby.

I feel bad saying it, because socially it is not acceptable to ever say anything other than "THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER!"... but yes, I am over being pregnant.
I didn't have a bad or negative pregnancy in any way. Very healthy, "textbook" if you will.. and for that, I am thankful. The weight gain, the no alcohol, the terrible heartburn, the overall lack of energy, the not looking cute, the irritability, the heat flashes, the not fitting into my shoes, the missing out on parties/events... and most of all: not feeling like I am myself and able to be the best mom to Tori and Ava that I can be, have all caught up to me. The waiting game is making me crazy. I have had contractions every night for a week.. they come and I get excited.. and then they go! Contractions, my water breaking.. Ill take anything!! Lets get this party started!

Mila, the whole family cannot wait to meet you. Stop teasing us with the fake contractions. COME OUT!

How far along: 39 weeks!
Total weight gain: 40 ish lbs
Maternity clothes: Maternity leggings and over sized shirts/sweaters
Stretch marks: N/A
Sleep: Contractions keep me up most of the night right now
Best moment of this week: Car seat and bassinet are ready!
Miss anything: Alcohol, comfortably laying on my back, sleep, not getting winded from walking up the stairs....
Movement: A ton! I will miss that once she is here
Food cravings: I have been losing weight in the last week or so... I am out of room
Anything making you queasy or sick: Humidity, getting over heated
Have you started to show yet: See: weight gained lol
Gender: Girl mom for life! Our sweet Mila (still not positive about middle name)
Labor signs: Braxton hicks
Belly button in or out: Out!
Wedding rings on or off: Off
Happy or moody most of the time: Irritable...
Looking forward to: MEETING HER!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

the one where I am 37 weeks along

I'm just a few days late on posting this one. 37 weeks, full term.. aka.. if you go into labor- the doctors don't stop it! Go time. Lets get this girl moving! I am feeling a lot of different things about the fact that she could come any day. I don't feel optimistic that she will be early. On the other side, I feel nervous that today could be the day. I still didn't set the girls car seats up... that is on the list of to-dos for this weekend. I still didn't pick up the bassinet shell be sleeping in for the first few months. No, Mila will not have her own room right off the bat. Our house is a 4 bedroom but the 4th is on the first floor which we currently use as a playroom. Tori and Ava sleep somewhere between 10-12 hours a night and I have no interest in messing with that until the baby is sleeping ok. Then the plan is Tori and Ava in a bedroom together, bunk beds and all- every kids dream! I have her clothing washed, diapers ready.. the swing isn't out yet, because I'm trying to push back the time frame of all things baby taking over our house.. but its ready. I'm feeling large. I'm very front heavy and lose my balance easily. I have also had regular headaches which after being tested for pre-e (twice) was found it is not pre-e. Maybe just caffeine headaches or something of the sort.

How far along: 37 weeks!
Total weight gain: 40 ish lbs
Maternity clothes: Maternity leggings and over sized shirts/sweaters
Stretch marks: N/A
Sleep: I miss it
Best moment of this week: Watching how intense her movements are. Dan and I always joke that it looks like she is trying to bust out!
Miss anything: Alcohol, comfortably laying on my back, sleep..
Movement: A ton! My fav thing ever!
Food cravings: I have taken an intense liking to Pine View Dairys chocolate milk
Anything making you queasy or sick: Humidity, getting over heated
Have you started to show yet: See: weight gained lol
Gender: Girl mom for life! Our sweet Mila (still not positive about middle name)
Labor signs: Occasional Braxton hicks
Belly button in or out: Out!
Wedding rings on or off: Off
Happy or moody most of the time: Physically drained.
Looking forward to: Going into labor!

Saturday, September 30, 2017

the one where I am 34 weeks along

Pregnancy update!

I sort of feel like this is going fast and sort of feel like its going slow. I thought for SURE I was 35 weeks pregnant this week. And then I opened up my app and it said "34 weeks" and I had to count down the final weeks to see and what do ya know? I am in fact, 34 weeks along. The end is near. They say full term is 37 weeks so as far as I'm concerned, 3 more weeks and she can come anytime after that!
On Wednesday/Thursday I was having a lot of dizziness and an on and off headache for about two days. It was awful, I couldn't even roll onto my side in the middle of the night without getting really dizzy/nauseous. I called the dr and they had me go in on Thursday night to get checked out due to my history with pre eclampsia. I had pre-e with Tori and not with Ava, I was REALLY hoping to not go through that again this time. They checked me out (blood work/labs) and figured out I am not suffering from pre-e, the Dr said its just typical end of pregnancy stuff and that I need to "take it easy" for a few days. "Take it easy"... you know, with work, two kids, a husband and house, no big deal- easy peasy! -insert eye roll-.

How far along: 34 weeks!
Total weight gain: 35 lbs and going strong, hoping its all baby haha
Maternity clothes: Now that the cooler weather is hopefully here to stay, I plan on leggings on leggings on leggings to get me through these last 3-6 weeks. I HATE maternity pants so I am going to try to avoid maternity jeans as much as possible.
Stretch marks: N/A
Sleep: Non existent. I cannot wait for a non pregnant sleep. I have had to take naps here and there when I can because I am just not sleeping at night. It sucks.
Best moment of this week: Got to hear babys heartbeat on Thursday night, she has been steady 130's. Sounds great. I love listening to her heartbeat. Such a sweet sound.
Miss anything: Alcohol, comfortably laying on my back, sleep..
Movement: A ton! My fav thing ever!
Food cravings: No, more food aversions than anything else.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Humidity, getting over heated
Have you started to show yet: See: weight gained lol
Gender: Girl mom for life!
Labor signs: Thankfully no!
Belly button in or out: Out!
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or moody most of the time: Irritable.
Looking forward to: Finally deciding on a middle name! First name is set!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

the one where Tori starts pre k!

I would like to preface this post saying, I for one really hate the corny cliché.. "where did the time go?"... and every other Mom comment you can think of. But seriously guys, its true. I have yet to meet a mother who has older kids that doesn't tell me they would do anything to go back in time to babyhood or toddlerhood with their children. That it went faster than they could keep up with. That they hardly remember it because it was such a blur.

Going from 0 to 1 child was hard. Everyone tells you your life is about to change but you have NO idea just how much it is going to change until the baby is finally here. Enter: Tori. Breastfeeding was hard, not sleeping was hard, missing out on events was hard, going to events but not being able to get her out of my head was hard, questioning my every decision was hard. I'm in love with her in a way that I can only describe as an obsession. She changed everything about my life and saved me in ways that I didn't know I needed to be saved.

Obsession; an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a persons mind.

That is my Tori since the day she was born. I eat, sleep, breathe her. And now, here we are.. shes 4.5 years old and in pre-k! Meaning the school year you go to-to prepare you for KINDERGARTEN... aka the school year that will take her away from me for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, 9 months a year. And once it starts, there is no end in sight until she graduates high school. Excuse me while I take some deep breathes and try not to vom all over myself. Since she has been born, shes been my little shadow- everywhere Mom goes, Tori goes. She has never spent a day in daycare. She has only spent two nights in a row away from me ONCE in her 4.5 years.. any other time has been a sporadic one night here and there. Its very hard for me to think of any other person getting this time with her that I'm not. That someone else is going to see her figure something out, start having an interest in something, be a friend to someone who needs one.

All this to be said is just leading to what has been very clear to Dan and I since she turned four: she is SO ready for more school. For more time away. She is not scared. She is confident. She is VERY aware of those around her. Of others' feelings. She is always watching. She is always taking everything in. She asks questions. She figures things out. She can be shy at first, mostly because shes always trying to figure everyone out.. and then she is a total lover. She wants to be friends with everyone. She wants everyone to be happy. She wishes so hard she was older and bigger!

So to my oh so sassy, smart, vibrant, beautiful, hilarious Tori: YAY for Pre-K! I know you will do fabulous and have so much fun. I love you.

And because Ava needed in on the photoshoot today:

Thursday, August 31, 2017

the one where Dad is back to work, weeks 1-2

I would be lying if I didn't admit I was borderline terrified of Dan going back to work this last week. I mean, its funny.. when the summer starts, I very quickly forget how I managed with just my own two hands. Work, the kids, errands, the gym, playing, bathtime, groceries, cleaning the house.. it seemed impossible. There is no way I can manage that. I went through a stage of denial (lol).. hey, if you pretend the school year isn't a week away, it doesn't come, right? As if this isn't how every school year goes (since Tori was born).
Then it came, the school year. Daddy leaves at 7am and doesn't return until 3:30. I know, that's not a bad day at all. And for the most part, when Daddy is home at 3:30, he's truly home with us with not too much work to bring home.
And no surprise- I have managed life with no day time help. We very quickly got back into our school year routine. Wake up, eat breakfast, go to the gym/play dates depending on the day, have lunch, Ava naps while Tori has quiet time, Ava wakes up, we play outside or run errands, Daddy is home. Next week we add Toris school schedule (pre-k, ahhh!) back into the routine. This year itll be Monday, Wednesday, Friday, extended days of 9:30-2:30. We will miss Tori terribly but I am very excited for some one on one time with Ava before the new baby gets here. Ava has never had that time with just me. We will be able to go to the library if we want to (baby girl has never been to a toddler time!), go for walks, play.. just Ava girl and Momma.

Friday, August 25, 2017

the one with a 29 week update

Pregnancy update!
How far along: 29 weeks!
Total weight gain: 30 lbs and going strong, hoping its all baby haha
Maternity clothes: I'm finishing the summer with the same two pair of shorts over and over again and throw in a maternity dress for a couple of special events/work.
Stretch marks: N/A
Sleep: Non existent. I cannot wait for a non pregnant sleep.
Best moment of this week: Baby girl is moving like CRAZY. She is so STRONG and Tori has even felt it.
Miss anything: Alcohol, comfortably laying on my back, sleep..
Movement: A ton! My fav thing ever!
Food cravings: No, more food aversions than anything else.
Anything making you queasy or sick: The terrible, horrible, no good, very bad summer 2017 humidity and I have heart burn all the time!
Have you started to show yet: See: weight gained lol
Gender: Girl mom for life!
Labor signs: Thankfully no!
Belly button in or out: In but on its way out
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or moody most of the time: Irritable.
Looking forward to: Watching the girls take on big sister roles x2.

Monday, July 24, 2017

the one where I am 24 weeks along

Pregnancy update!

How far along: 24 weeks!
Total weight gain: 23 lbs. Ok, so I am attributing this to a couple things.. 1-I am just not a small pregnant person lol. I gained just over 50 with Tori and just about 40 with Ava, so at this rate, Ill gain the same this time around that I did in the past. 2-I was thinner in the beginning this time around than I have been in yearssssss. Just under 5'5 and around 110 when I found out I was pregnant. Clearly the weight gain is going to be more noticeable lol.
Maternity clothes: I really hate wearing clothes. I prefer braless and pajamas LOL but since that seems to be frowned upon in public (except for at Walmart), I'm wearing maternity clothes.. dresses, tanks.. this uber hot weather makes it especially hard to get dressed.
Stretch marks: N/A
Sleep: I sleep terribly. I had a legit breakdown recently about how tired I am. I would rather have hours of broken up sleep from a newborn (and not pregnant) than 8 hours of terrible, pregnancy sleep. I cant get comfortable. I'm always hot. Its tough.
Best moment of this week: Today I had an ultrasound to follow up on some "placental lakes" that showed up on my last ultrasound. Although the dr said they were common, I was nervous. They said the leaks (which are pretty much little puddles of blood on your placenta) can cause the baby to not grow as they should be. My appointment today they said the lakes had shrunk/were small enough to be "unmeasurable" and the baby is a BIG girl! Shes already measuring in the 89th % for size weighing in at about 1lb 13oz. I am thrilled. Seriously, give me the big chunky babies. Ava was 8lbs 9oz at birth and I had an amazing labor/delivery, so that on repeat please!
Miss anything: I miss alcohol. Especially on really hot days. COLD BEER!
Movement: Shes so big and so strong. She kicks so hard that now people around me can see her. Its awesome.
Food cravings: Nope, I'm just always thirsty!
Anything making you queasy or sick: I have developed a slight aversion to hot coffee.
Have you started to show yet: See: weight gained lol
Gender: Girl mom for life!
Labor signs: Thankfully no!
Belly button in or out: In but on its way out
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or moody most of the time: Neither. Exhausted.
Looking forward to: The summer weather breaking so I can find some comfort! And deciding on a baby name!!!!

Check out this cutie:

Friday, July 21, 2017

the one with a 4.5 year old Tori

I am sort of dying over Tori lately and felt the need to give an update. Dying in a really good, in-awe-of-her sort of way.
4.5  years old-Ill tell you what, she is just getting soooo smart. Too smart. Today she referred to me as "girlfriend". I do not even notice how much I say that and according to Dan, I say it to her all the time! She picks up on it, and there ya go- "girlfriend". She is so aware. She is constantly taking everything in. Always watching people and reading them. What are they thinking? How are they feeling? etc.
Ava has been tough lately, really pushing buttons. She LOVES rough housing with Tori right now. Pulling her hair, pinching, biting, she just loves to wrestle! Tori is soooo good about it. She will pull Avas hair back and of course wrestle back, but she will not hurt her the way I know she very easily could. Watching the two of them interact is one of my most favorite things in the whole world. Tori will pick her up and swing her around, they cuddle all the time. If Tori is upset, crying, or throwing a temper tantrum Ava goes right over to her and lays her head on Tori or will rub Toris head, it is so sweet. Tori is FIERCLY protective of her baby sister. If I yell at Ava about something shes doing, Tori will say to me "Mom, remember shes just a baby!". Its hilarious. They also love to gang up on Mom. Tonight for example, Tori starts wrestling and jumping on me, and then who is right behind her, jumping and hitting mom? Yep, Ava. Two against one. We laugh and I ask Tori "What am I going to do when there is a third little girl jumping and wrestling on me?!" And Tori thinks its the best thing ever.
Tori is obsessed with horses. ALL THINGS HORSES. She wants a horse stable for Christmas. I found one at Target (its almost $70, so it might be her only Xmas gift this year lol) and she is always finding other new horse related things she wants.
Tori is looking more grown up to me than ever. Her hair is super long again, shes getting taller, thinning out.. I can hardly believe at her next birthday she will be turning five. Dan and I both cant get over it. 5 is like a KID, not a toddler. Shell be in extended day pre-k(3 days a week for 5 hours each day) and she is SO excited to get to eat lunch at school this year!
We drive past what will be her elementary school almost daily and we yell "KINDERGARTEN". She is so excited. I remind her that she will be there all day when she starts and she tells me she is not scared because "I will come home, Mom". It will, without a doubt, be way harder on me than it will be on her when the time comes. Tori has already started telling me that I "can drive her to school sometimes". She already prefers the idea of riding the school bus with the neighborhood kids. Thankfully I have this full next year to mentally prepare myself.
Tori Lu, my first baby. Growing so big, making me so proud.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

the one with our trip to OBX part 1

So I know most of my readers are friends with me on facebook so you already know we just got back from OBX- but for those of you who don't follow me- WE JUST GOT BACK FROM OBX.
I have mentioned before but in case you are just tuning in, we didn't vacation as kids. My dad didn't have a job that allowed for that. I think I can remember twice in my whole life??? Maybe once??? Anyways, that brings me to our decision to go ahead and splurge a bit on a week long beach vacay to OBX. Taking my kids on vacay and making vacation memories with them is so important to me.
We were invited by a co-worker of Dan's (and his wife) to join them and some friends on a family beach trip. We would go as one of 5 families and only know 1 family. That was a tad scary. Then it turned out another family they invited couldn't go and they asked if we knew anyone we would want to invite. Insert: the Reed family. SCORE. We get to go and now know TWO families, and the Reeds happen to be some of our very best friends so we knew it would go just fine.
There was a decent amount of planning that went into the whole beach week because the part of OBX that the house was in was VERRRRRY North. Like 45 minute drive up the beach North. Like three houses down from the VA border North. It wasn't easy to get to town so we sort of planned with the idea that we might not make it into town at all that week. Luckily, one of the women going on the trip (a teacher of course lol) was an awesome planner, complete with her google doc- we made a list of items needed for the house (i.e. aluminum foil, sandwich bags, etc)... all of the families signed up for two items to purchase for the whole house (for everyone to share) and then also signed up for a dinner night. Yep, you read that right- one night during the week you had to cook dinner for every single person in the house. Did I mention there were 12 adults and 13 kids? It actually worked out awesome that we did that. It was so much easier to plan packing just for breakfast and lunch and then ONE dinner. Dan was able to smoke some chicken on his smoker ahead of time and freeze it to take along so our meal for the week was pulled chicken tacos with peppers, rice and then also he made a bunch of sausage and peppers just in case there wasn't enough chicken which he was sort of panicked over. Then we got hot dogs for the kids (because, well, kids). The week featured meatball subs, pork bbq night, a taco night, sausage/peppers and pasta night, burgers and hot dogs night. Seriously, all of the food was delicious. Dan and I were both a little worried about just getting some pasta every night (since it wouldn't be easy to cook for everyone) and if we couldn't go out to eat because we weren't close to town, then we were hoping to have some good food. Not one night disappointed! We even had a seafood boil lunch one day (thanks to Danny!) and it was awesome. We all had so much fun eating together. Surprisingly, dinner time (and the lunch seafood boil) was the only time the whole group was really together at the same time for eating. We didn't have to fight over the kitchen and everyone did a great job cleaning up after themselves.
I'm breaking up the details into a couple of posts because I feel like there is just too much to type all in one, Ill lose ya haha so there ya go.. Part 1, location and food situation!

Monday, June 19, 2017

the one where I reflect on my 30th birthday

Dear lordy, I can hardly believe I am 30 today. I was just 17, parked in a Sheetz parking lot, blaring my music with all of my friends stuffed in my car, waiting to see whose parents were out of town so we could go hang (haha sorry Mom and Dad). And now, here I am, 30 years old. Married with 2 kids and one on the way.

I'm not feeling weird, sad or nervous at all about my 30's. My 20's were such a decade of transition. I spent the first 5 years of my 20's trying to figure out who I was. Such a mess Ill tell ya. Lots of mistakes. Lots of confusion. Lots of putting Dan through the ringer.  Lots of putting my parents through the ringer. Lots of trying to adjust to the next phase. Even when Dan and I got married, I spent the first year trying to figure out how to be a wife and newlywed without losing myself, my identity, without changing too much of what made me comfortable. Then I had Tori, and the next adjustment was to a new mom. I didn't have many friends who had kids. No one understood. I loved this baby more than anything on the planet but she changed everything. Then the transition into not caring that no one else "got it" started. The learning to stand on my own two feet. The learning how to not care if I was left out of something. The learning to not care that maybe I just wasn't going to be THAT close with every single person that I was close with before. People change. I was allowed to change. Especially if the change made me happier. Learning to accept that if someone truly loved and cared for me, they would accept my change and not judge me. I could still be a good friend, I could still be fun, I could still be so much of what made me "me".

The second half of my 20's has been adjusting into my career, my two kids, my husband and preparing to close a chapter that baby #3 is helping close (pregnancy and newborn chapter). I love my job. I love the flexibility. I know I say that all of the time, but in my late 20's it felt good to be able to say I liked what I did for a living. And that I was good at it. And that I didn't have to put my kids on the back burner to be successful in my career. And juggling motherhood and working full time has been one of my biggest successes. It is not easy, at all. Literally not one day goes by that I'm not running around like a chicken with my head cut off but I have learned to embrace it. The second half of my 20's has brought Dan and I really getting into the swing of things in our partnership. 6 years married this July and I feel more confident in us than ever before. We are truly the best of friends and I find so much comfort and support in him. My late 20's brought a new found appreciation for him, a lot of that being as I watched him become a Daddy to our kids, but man, I am really lucky. I have a guy that does it all.

Enter 30. Today I am a successful realtor. Today I have two kids and one on the way and am feeling really confident in adding another one to our brood. I work really hard to be a good Mother and a good Wife. I am surrounded by people who love me and our family. I feel supported. I feel understood. I feel confident. I feel like this decade is really going to rock my world. Bring on 30's!!!!!

Thursday, June 15, 2017

the one with Ava's 18 month check up

Two weeks ago our sweet Ava girl turned a year and a half old! As every mom says (I know, I know, we are broken records) time flies! It seems like ever since she turned one- I cant catch up with her. Girlfriend is doing awesome.

At her 18 month check up, they did all of the typical stuff (including 3 shots my poor girl) and asked lots and lots of questions. Ava is in the 45th % for weight, the 85th % for height and her head... well, neither of my girls have had heads measuring less than the 95th % LOL. Whatever, they grow into them haha.

Ava is saying SO many words: Momma, Dadda, dog, ball, bath, hot, book, bubbles, 'that' and her new word as of today (literally) is Izzy. It is so cute! I am still trying to figure out what she is going to end up saying for Tori, we call Tori by her name and by 'sister' so I wont be surprised at all if she starts referring to her as 'sister' rather than her name.

Ava is into EVERYTHING. You cannot turn your back on her for a second. Tonight for example.. she has learned how to push the little chairs from the small table (which Tor started doing around 3 but obviously little sister has learned it quicker).. so she moved the chair to the counter while I was getting dinner together. Butter, knives, grapes, all the good stuff just sitting there waiting for her to grab. I get it all away.. realize I forgot my water bottle in the car (I had my parents on face time during this).. ran outside for maybe 30 seconds?.. come back in, and there is Ava, with the chair pushed to the other side of the counters... sitting on the floor with three tomatoes, smashing them and making her very own pasta sauce. She thought it was hilarious. She is so quick!! My parents got a kick out of that one. I wonder if she can already start having middle child syndrome if the baby isn't here yet? Because if so, I think shes there and I think its coming in the form of wild child. She is going to be my crazy one for sure.

Her hair is more blond than ever and she has these beautiful blue eyes. Those two things combined with the sweetest porcelain colored skin and pink lips- she is a real life doll baby. One that doesn't look a thing like her Momma. As she is getting older, I am starting to see more of Tori in some of the faces she makes and just like since she was born, I see Dan in her everyday. I see it the most in her eyes. Especially when she laughs.

She is a clown. Always wanting to make everyone laugh. Always wanting your attention. She has started doing this strange dance where she moves her arms all around in circles and turns them, etc and we are pretty sure its her dancing but you cant help but laugh whenever she does it.

Her top two teeth have finally broke through! She now has about 3.5 teeth lol. I hate teething so bad. The poor girl can be so moody and I just keep reminding myself about whats happening in her little mouth and how she doesn't understand it. I feel bad for the little lady.

Shes walking!!! Legit walking! Like choosing to walk to get where she wants to go! It is that adorable little drunk person walk where she is waddling around and using her arms to balance. It is adorable. Tori loves it too. She can gain some speed now and the girls will do a little chasing around the living room.

She loves to read! Every night before bed and every nap before we put her in her crib we have to read her one or two books. She even has some favorites. It is so cute. I have her and Tori doing the library summer reading program so we will have a lot of fun picking out books over the summer.

Shes nursing once a day now. The whole "she will wean now that youre pregnant" didn't happen haha. Every single morning girlfriend wants her milkies and I don't mind it at all. I am still not interested in nursing two kids at once so I am hoping she will at least wean before then but I guess we will see!

She is the greatest blessing. She brings a spark to our lives that we didn't know was missing. Tori always says she reminds her of the sun. Our little wild cat.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

the one where I had a really bad day

Today I was a really shitty mom for my four year old.

I hate how much I screamed.
I hate that I cried (multiple times).
I hate that she was so cranky.
I hate that she made me feel like I couldn't do anything right.
I hate that she fought with me on everything.
I hate that she didn't listen to me at all.
I hate that I couldn't get out of the funk.
I hate that sometimes I feel like I'm failing her.
I hate that I truly didn't like her today.
I hate that today makes me scared of having three kids.
I hate that shes four years old and I still don't know what method of discipline works on her.
I hate that this terrible day just keeps replaying in my head.

What could I have done differently?
Did she not get enough sleep the night before?
Was I not clear enough with my expectations?
Do I let her get away with too much?
Is she too spoiled?
Am I a pushover?
Am I consistent?
Does she get enough exercise?
Is she eating well?
Am I giving her enough attention?

Today was one of the hardest days I have had with Tori in a very long time. A friend told me to remember that kids have a short memory, a bad day doesn't mean anything more than that-a bad day. I could cry right now if I tried to describe in words how badly I want to do this whole parenting gig the right way. How badly I want to do things differently than I had. How badly I hope she remembers all of the cuddles and all of the laughing. I want her to remember a Mommy that had lots of energy and that played with her at the park. A mommy who always came up with the best ideas. A mommy who made the best treats. A mommy who could keep her cool.

Today I did not keep my cool and I'm really upset and disappointed in myself.

Friday, May 26, 2017

the one with pregnancy the third time around

Third time around and I'm still experiencing some new things when it comes to this pregnancy.
First of all, I am showing MUCH faster this time around. At 16 weeks pregnant, I can still get away with wearing my normal clothes and adding a belly band but I am getting wider as much as I am sticking out further. I am in a wedding next month, the dress is a size small. About 2 months ago it still fit perfectly, fast forward to last week and I cant get it zipped up. I took it for alterations and had to have FOUR INCHES added to the rib cage area. How in the hell is my rib cage expanding? Is this normal? lol. No seriously, did anyone else experience anything like that? I have gained 10lbs already. Which I attribute to the fact that I am typically VERY on top of my weight and food/drink intake but once I am pregnant, its not that I go crazy-but I am just not strict. I was also thinner before this pregnancy (at about 115lbs soak and wet) than I ever was with my other 2 (where I was always about 120-125lbs when I found out I was pregnant).
Acne. I am breaking out like crazy. My skin is one of the most complimented features I have. I am tan year around and my skin is very smooth. I don't wear foundation. My skin tone is very even. No break outs. And now, between my back, face and neck- I'm a mess. Glamorous, I know.
Morning sickness. The first couple of weeks I had more morning sickness than I did with Tori or Ava. I wasn't puking, just sort of always feeling like I had to.
Food. Nothing weird in the food department other than I will say I miss alcohol. Which makes me turn to unsweetened iced tea and/or a soda more often than I would typically in my non pregnant days. Usually in my non pregnant days, soda is a no-no unless it is mixed in an alcoholic beverage. Hence the whole being more lax on myself when I'm pregnant.
Workouts. Same old really. I actually feel fine as far as energy goes so in the (few) nice days we have had, I have been doing ok keeping up with the girls, park dates, etc. I'm getting to the gym 3/4 times a week, still lifting, still doing some cardio.

Monday, May 22, 2017

the one with the biggest lesson to my girls

Is it weird that I was almost relieved when we found out the baby was going to be another girl? Of course after having two daughters, a son would have been nice to switch things up a bit.. and because I wanted Dan to get that experience of having a kid that is the same sex as he is. I don't know what it would change. Or if it would change anything? I just know that with me and the girls, we can get each other on a different level since we are all females.
I am a girls girl in every sense that one can be. I love powerful women. I love women who have their shit together. I love women who do it all. I love women who have careers. I love women who stay at home with their kids. I love educated women. I love women who just do what they want. And I LOVE other women who LOVE other women. Who support other women.
That is one of the biggest things I want to teach my girls. Just the overall confidence in themselves to be able to appreciate and support other women and their successes. I want my girls to look at other women who are successful and consider them INSPIRATIONAL... not competition. Thankfully my girls also have a Daddy who loves women. Who supports women. Who truly looks at women as his equal and will 100% support our girls to reach for the stars. To worry about themselves. To tell them that their lives and what they can accomplish has no limits. I know that confidence isn't just something that is taught like a class in school but I am really and truly dedicated to figuring out what it is as a Mother that I can do for my girls.
Women are always the hardest critics of each other and I just don't get it. I don't get why you cant see that a woman you know lost 5 lbs and say to them "CONGRATS! You look AMAZING!" or why you cant see a Mother bottle feeding their baby formula or breastfeeding and say "that baby is so lucky you take such good care of him/her!" Too fat. Too skinny. Too smart. Too dumb. Stay at home mom. Working mom. Women who don't want to have kids. Women who date around. Women who got married young. Women who don't want to get married.

I don't know if woman on woman judgement will ever go away, but I am going to personally try to start the change in my own house with my own girls.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

the one with a new baby follow up

So for anyone who follows me on FB and/or IG, you read some big news recently..
Yep, yep, baby #3. A baby girl. 3 girls. My dream. Minus the whole 3 teenage girls part.. that part, I'm scared of. When I said that to my OB, she said "I don't think teenage girls are a problem unless they happen to have a parent that isn't a good girl parent, being a girl parent by yourself is not easy"... ding ding ding.
That totally makes perfect sense to me. And lucky for me, my Danny is the BEST girl dad, EVER. Literally. He does it all. He will brush hair, he will play, he will cuddle, he will wrestle, he will "be the daddy" when Tori wants to play house, he can handle pink and sparkly and he happens to be a man who 100% believes that women are equal to men and that our girls can do anything their little hearts desire. My girls (and me!) are so lucky to have him.
I wanted to have three kids. Dan wasn't so on board with that. "The world is meant for a family of four".. "you don't want Ava to be a middle child!".. "There will always be someone left out when we get on rides at DW"... I thought I at least had him sort of considering maybe next year when Tori would be in school full time (which realistically would make my life as a working mom easier, also).. and then SURPRISE. Just the way life always is, right when you least expect it.. a positive pregnancy test. I was thinking something was up when I was just a couple days late and Dan told me to take a test before he ran to the beer distributor to get us some weekend beer (lol) and there it was.. plus sign. It was a little faded still so just to be on the safe side I went back to the pharmacy and got another box of tests. Clear as day "pregnant" pops up on the screen. We were shocked. Can it really have happened this fast?! I had only had one cycle since breastfeeding! Some pacing around the house happened. Some tears (both happy and scared/nervous tears!). And there you have it, we are having three children.
I am due November 11th (Veterans day). So yes, for 3 weeks we will have -TWO UNDER TWO- and then -THREE KIDS AGE FOUR AND UNDER-. That is sort of terrifying me. I mean, I know we will do just fine but man that seems like a lot of kids. Hahaha. I mean, I'm still nursing Ava (that's a whole other post itself). I guess the whole idea of hey while you are alrdy not sleeping and half out of your mind, why not just throw another into the mix? I have heard 2 to 3 isn't as hard of a transition as 1 to 2 so I'm just going to roll with that...

At 14.5 weeks pregnant...

Thursday, April 6, 2017

the one with an April life update

I cant keep up around here lately. AH!
I think to myself "I should update my blog" at least a couple times a week and then I think to myself.. or I could get caught up with my paperwork, or do laundry, or vacuum, or one of the other 101 things I could be getting done. And they win. Pretty much every time.

Around these parts...

-Tori is fast and furious into the last two months of school. I am not sure when her actual last day is and that's mostly because I don't want to admit its almost over haha. She loves it there, loves her friends, and it sounds like a lot of them will be there next year too so that's exciting. Next year she will be there three days a week, 9:30-2:30 and although Ill miss her, I'm thinking the longer day will be great prep for the all day kindergarten program that our school district offers. Ill cry about the whole all day kindergarten thing later.
-Ava currently is battling an ear infection, a cough and a runny nose. Oh this is all the while (or maybe because of?) shes teething. Our little 16 month old still only has two teeth so I am convinced she will wake up one day soon with a full mouth because man, shes grumpy. Poor babe.
-2 months until our week long vacation to OBX! I am soooo excited! A whole week of my little fam, the ocean, our own private beach/pool/hot tub, a movie theatre/game room.. granted there will be like, 14 kids there (ages 5 and under) so relaxing is probably not going to be a part of this trip but itll be fun nonetheless. We didn't do family vacations when I was a kid (I think maybe two my whole life?) so I am just so excited to have this experience with our little family.
-I am turning 30 in June and currently trying to come up with something fun to do that isn't just a bar night. Ideas, anyone?
-This month has been insane with work. 2 settlements, lots of clients under contract. No complaints here. A lot of work has been in York recently so the only issue is it takes up more of my day when I include the travel.
-Dan is doing well. We had a date night out to the Federal taphouse last weekend where we were surprised by a friend who took care of our entire check. I think the best part of that was the timing. We needed a date night, just the two of us so badly. And then to have it topped off with that, just awesome. Every time we have a date night we always wonder why we don't do it more often. We laugh so much. He is my best friend. :)
-I'm in a neighborhood moms group on fb and have been having some fun with it. Tori is one of the older kids, most of the parents around here have kids Avas age or younger. There have been pizza nights, moms night out nights, playdates, etc. It has been fun getting to know the other parents in the neighborhood.
-My niece Sam is visiting PA this week. We have been to my parents house in York almost everyday so we can spend time with her and my sister. We have went to the circus, got the cousins pictures taken together, etc. It has been fun. These visits go fast and are few and far between.
-Dan, me and my parents are going to New York on Sunday which should be a lot of fun. We are going to check out the wax museum/touristy places and eat. A lot.
-I have been dreaming of a fenced in yard for this summer. Tori plus a (probably) walking by the summer Ava means lots of chasing kids and trying to keep them in our yard. We got a quote for a fence last year and it was reasonable so I think we are going to follow up with them and make a decision. Sometimes I hate spending money on things on the outside of the house because there is still a bunch I want to do inside but seriously.. to not have to worry about the girls leaving the yard this summer.. that would be awesome.
-While on the topic of our yard-we are going to try a small garden this year. Raised beds. Tomatoes..  a couple other easier things. I actually kill everything so this will be more of a Dan project.
-RHONY just started and well.. I'm obsessed. Hi Bethenney. Hi Ramona. Hi Dorinda.
-Ava CAN GO TO SLEEP WITHOUT NURSING and hardly cries!!!! This is HUGE PEOPLE!

Anywho- that's all I have for now! Have a wonderfully blessed rainy Thursday!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

the one with marriage advice from an expert

Hahahaha ok so I'm not actually an expert. Not even sort of a little bit actually-but this is what I can tell you- in 6 years, I have learned a thing or two. Some of them were things I learned right away but with marriage, you are constantly evolving and learning. I have a couple people close to me that are getting married this year and so that is what inspired this post.

1-Let yourself be vulnerable. Bring your guard down. Let your spouse truly and openly have full access to your heart. If you are marrying this person, you can trust that this person wont abuse that.
2- Do not let your children be more important than your spouse. I'm sure there are moms who are going to read that and think I'm being harsh but I'm serious. Of course your children are important and special and need you.. but I hate to break it to you- they grow up. They move on. They fall in love. They move away. They start their own families. Do you know who is going to be with you when that happens? Your husband. Your wife. That's who. Do not forget that your relationship needs to be nurtured. Your children are watching.
3- Tell your significant other that you love them every single day. Really. Life gets crazy and sometimes you will barely see each other or speak, but make it a point to do this.
4- Sometimes life is boring. Sorry but its true. The days can run together. Especially when you add kids to the mix. Work. Kids. Dinner. Bedtime. Do not live in a fantasy world where you're constantly thinking about how to make things new and exciting. Don't get me wrong- you should absolutely mix things up in life.. try something new , go somewhere new..You have to find the "new and exciting" things in the chapter of life that you are in with your significant other.
5- Communicate. I know that's so duh. But seriously. Communicate. You don't feel your significant other is giving you enough attention? Tell them. You have packed lunch for your husband or wife everyday this week without so much as a text message "thank you" and its on your mind? Tell them. With that said, find the balance between telling them and nit picking. Choose your battles.
6- People change. I think the hardest part of this is that people always change and some couples do not think they are changing together. You CAN change together. Your wants and needs will change and if you go back to #5 and communicate about these things, you can and will figure out the transitions together. Dan and I started dating when I was 20 and he was 26.. we are now almost 30 and 36. We are talking about almost a decade together. Of course we have changed. Of course our wants and needs in life are different. But the best part of our relationship is the genuine support and acceptance we give each other.
7-Remember why you got married in the first place. Remember all of the laughing. Remember the trips. Remember the goals you have reached together. Remember the family you have built.
8-Marriage is work. That might not sit well for some either but hey, it is. Think of it this way- if you go to work every single day and do the same thing every single day and never do anything to take your position to the next level- will you get the raise? Will you get the promotion? No. You have to work at your marriage everyday. What can you do to be the best husband/wife you can be?

I certainly don't have all of the answers nor will I pretend to.  I mess up every single day. I'm tired. I'm a mom of two young kids who sometimes chooses sleep over a cuddle session with my husband. With that said, I truly believe in the sanctity of marriage and everything that marriage represents. I also know that every relationship is different. 6 years of marriage has been work, but it has been one of the best jobs of my life. I am so truly thankful to have been blessed with such an amazing partner. My husband, the most amazing father. I love and appreciate you, every single day.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

the one where I am about to have a four year old

Why does four seem SO much older than three?
Ill tell you why- because it is.
In toddler world-every single year is a significant change. Maybe one day, when Tori is 7 turning 8 or 14 turning 15 it wont seem like much of a difference, but right now- it seems like each year brings on a whole new world.

Since Tori was born-parenting her has been a challenge. Challenge doesn't always mean a bad thing. Sometimes it means exciting. Sometimes it means learning new things about myself. Sometimes it means pushing yourself to new limits. Sometimes it means seeing yourself in your child. Sometimes it means questioning everything. Sometimes it means getting comfortable with a stage, just for that stage to come and go in the blink of an eye.

I should have known from my 30 hour labor/delivery that this was going to be me the ride of my life.

Tori is..
SO FUNNY. Seriously. She is SUCH a jokester and loves to make people laugh.
Smart. She catches onto everything. She asks a LOT of questions. Lots and lots of "why" and "how" and "where"
Beautiful. Her hair is past her butt. Its curly. It has the most beautiful highlights. Her blue eyes sparkle. Her smile is huge. She is a real life doll baby.
Sassy. Since birth she has known exactly what she wants. And she gets it.
Charming. She always knows exactly what to say and when to say it. "I love you Mommy".. "You look pretty today Mommy"..
Aware. She reads people. She is always wondering how people feel in different situations and what it was that she did to make them feel that way.
A foodie. Loves food. Tomatoes, avocado, crab, oreo cookies, cheez its, strawberries, chicken, mac and cheese.. about 90% of the things we put in front of her she will eat. Shes just like her daddy.
An awesome big sister. She is obsessed with her baby sister. They have the most amazing embrace every morning. Its the sweetest to see them hug. She doesn't like when Ava cries. She likes to share snacks with Ava. She likes going places with Ava. Ava is her jam.
A lover. Her Daddy. Her Mommy. Her family. She adores us and tells us constantly.

Tori gets sweeter, funnier & sassier every day and it is the biggest blessing in life to watch her grow. I know she's my kid so maybe I'm a bit partial, but she's IT.

My girl. My love. My best friend. My soul mate. Happy 4th birthday.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

the one where I finally post a life update

Oops, I seem to have missed January.

Life has been crazy and that is my only excuse.

Dans grandmother recently moved in with us while she is figuring out a more long term plan as far as her life goes. She recently had some health issues (I have decided that once you hit 80- getting old sucks lol) and needs some assistance as she is rebuilding her strength and just in general taking on a new chapter of life. The previous owners of our home had a son who was in a wheelchair so they had a handicap accessible bedroom and full bathroom added onto the first floor of the home when he had his accident. Dan, my dear husband with the huge heart- felt that it was a sign that we should help his grandmother since logistically we had the best set up for her. I'm Italian and we take care of people for life. Its just how it is. So I got on board. I know that if this was my grandmother (who I am very close with), I would need Dan to be understanding and willing to help as well. We are a family and this is what family is for.

We had been using the first floor bedroom as a playroom. Tori wasn't thrilled about losing her playroom but we explained to her that the loss is only temporary and now she gets to have a lot of the toys in her bedroom. And in the dining room. And in the sunroom. A little bit of toys everywhere lol.

Tori has been sleeping terribly the past couple of months and it is really starting to take its toll on me. Mostly because it is starting to take its toll on her. She is tired. ALL DAY. She just doesn't want to sleep. She doesn't nap (and hasn't for years). And a tired toddler means a completely insane toddler. I cant reason with her. She hates anything and everything. Lavendar oils, nightlights, ceiling lights, star/window lights, mattress on the floor, stuffed animals, take toys away, give rewards.. we have

And on a lighter note- its February. This month brings settlement(s), a child-free dinner with my husband (trading babysitting services is the best idea ever!), 3 childrens birthday parties and much more! Pray for our family that Tori starts getting some sleep!

A pic of Me, Tori, Izzy and Ava at Hersheys Chocolate World last weekend :)

Sunday, January 1, 2017

the one with NYE 2017

So I love the New year! Like love it, love it. The idea of a new year and the chance for a new beginning, I eat it up.
Typically my resolutions include measureable things like "get to the gym X amount of days".. "Lose X amount of pounds".. etc.
This year- rather than my "to do" list of resolutions, I decided to mix in a few measurable goals, and a few things I would like to try to do or continue to do to just overall work on myself and my relationships.

-Sell 3 more houses this year than I did last year.
-Continue to reach out to others for play dates, hang out sessions, etc. I struggle with sometimes feeling that I am the one who has to reach out to others to see them.. with that being said- it is ok. It is ok to allow myself to be vulnerable.
-Stop allowing IG or FB to make me think anyone has it more together than I do!
-Get a kid free date night once a month with Dan.
-Get to the gym 3/4 times a week.
-Have a date once a month where we separate the girls and let them have one on one time with Mom and/or Dad.
-Practice patience. Breathing. Calmness. Especially when it comes to Tori.
-Get outside everyday (weather permitting).
-Practice my photography way more often (especially now that I have my 50mm lens!)
-Meet more people.
-Donate clothes and/or toys once a month.
-Deep clean the house once a month.
-Curse less often.
-Put on makeup everyday. Every single time I put makeup on, I feel so much better about myself. I need to do it for me!
*I'm sure I will be adding more and more along the way!

Last night, Dan and I (along with a bunch of friends) went to the Reeds house to celebrate the New year. We figured out this was year #7 that they have hosted and we genuinely enjoy it every year. No lines for drinks. Lots of food. Whatever music we want. Our best friends. Cant beat it. Lots of beer pong, a couple shots, dance parties and lots and lots of laughing. Shortly after the ball drop we headed back home with Meg and Ray where we then went to our neighbors house who had a party, had a few more drinks, a few more laughs and went home to bed by 1:30ish. I was so beat. Tori woke up around 3ish, Ava at 5ish.. and luckily, both Mom and Dad got to squeeze in naps. Dan had to go to New York to handle some family stuff and I then took the girls and we headed to my parents for the day. More food, more silly-ness, the kids being crazy and then the girls both crashed on the way home. I was able to get them both in bed (coats and shoes off) without waking either of them! A late Christmas miracle :)


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