Thursday, December 21, 2017

the one where Mila is one month old

Mila Soleil
One Month
Little lady is weighing in at 10.5 lbs, 21.25 inches long, percentiles falling in the 60th for both. She is wearing size 0-3 months with a little room. We are loving footie pajamas.
Mila failed her ear screenings twice at the hospital at birth. Both times in her left ear. Doctor said it was common when you deliver a baby quickly because "not all of their fluids get pushed out". I'm a little anxious because we do have to follow up with an audiologist in a couple of weeks. Send us all of your positives vibes, prayers, etc that everything is ok. Other than that, little beeb is healthy!
Breastfeeding. How I love and loathe you. Mila is a very efficient eater with nursing sessions only lasting 10 minutes max. Sometimes she eats from both sides.. sometimes only from one. Doctor says its fine, she's gaining weight and thriving. We also (just today actually) got meds for thrush. I have never had it before. The dr says its mild as of right now, so hopefully starting the meds today will clear it up quickly.
Mila is a bit of a night owl (like her sister Ava was) and doesn't typically go to sleep until somewhere between 10 and 11. From there she will give me one good stretch of somewhere between 4-6 hours but that varies. As of late, when she wakes up to nurse at 3 or 4 she likes to stay awake and party for a bit before falling back to sleep (about an hour later) and then sleeps until her big sisters get up and wake her.
-She has started smiling
-Her favorite person is Mommy
-The bigger she gets, the more she looks like Tori
-Naps in her swing throughout the day
-Sisters fight over who loves her the most
-She is really strong and can hold her head up really well and is even getting up on her side in what looks like an attempt to roll over
-Not a fan of her car seat

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