Yep, yep, baby #3. A baby girl. 3 girls. My dream. Minus the whole 3 teenage girls part.. that part, I'm scared of. When I said that to my OB, she said "I don't think teenage girls are a problem unless they happen to have a parent that isn't a good girl parent, being a girl parent by yourself is not easy"... ding ding ding. That totally makes perfect sense to me. And lucky for me, my Danny is the BEST girl dad, EVER. Literally. He does it all. He will brush hair, he will play, he will cuddle, he will wrestle, he will "be the daddy" when Tori wants to play house, he can handle pink and sparkly and he happens to be a man who 100% believes that women are equal to men and that our girls can do anything their little hearts desire. My girls (and me!) are so lucky to have him.
I wanted to have three kids. Dan wasn't so on board with that. "The world is meant for a family of four".. "you don't want Ava to be a middle child!".. "There will always be someone left out when we get on rides at DW"... I thought I at least had him sort of considering maybe next year when Tori would be in school full time (which realistically would make my life as a working mom easier, also).. and then SURPRISE. Just the way life always is, right when you least expect it.. a positive pregnancy test. I was thinking something was up when I was just a couple days late and Dan told me to take a test before he ran to the beer distributor to get us some weekend beer (lol) and there it was.. plus sign. It was a little faded still so just to be on the safe side I went back to the pharmacy and got another box of tests. Clear as day "pregnant" pops up on the screen. We were shocked. Can it really have happened this fast?! I had only had one cycle since breastfeeding! Some pacing around the house happened. Some tears (both happy and scared/nervous tears!). And there you have it, we are having three children.
I am due November 11th (Veterans day). So yes, for 3 weeks we will have -TWO UNDER TWO- and then -THREE KIDS AGE FOUR AND UNDER-. That is sort of terrifying me. I mean, I know we will do just fine but man that seems like a lot of kids. Hahaha. I mean, I'm still nursing Ava (that's a whole other post itself). I guess the whole idea of hey while you are alrdy not sleeping and half out of your mind, why not just throw another into the mix? I have heard 2 to 3 isn't as hard of a transition as 1 to 2 so I'm just going to roll with that...
At 14.5 weeks pregnant...
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