How far along: 34 weeks!
Total weight gain: 30 ish lbs
Maternity clothes: Yep!
Stretch marks: Nope
Sleep: I wake up anywhere between 4am-7am pretty regularly. I can usually get back to sleep for a bit before Tori wakes up but it depends.
Best moment of this week: Tori is getting more and more aware of her baby sister. She will tell you her name and that she is "very little".. and that Tori is going to "be a big family helper". Its the sweetest.
Miss anything: Pumpkin beer. Being able to get up and down without being totally worn out.
Movement: YES! A LOT!
Food cravings: More food aversions than anything else. I tried Chipotle for the first time since being pregnant and almost puked.
Have you started to show yet: I am massive
Gender: GIRL!
Labor signs: Braxton hicks for sure. I never had them with Tori.
Belly button in or out: Out
Wedding rings on or off: On but I take them off halfway through the day as I get more puffy
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy but my bod is worn out!
Looking forward to: Painting Tori/Ava's bedroom! Its on my October to-do list! My Sprinkle!
I am feeling good overall but my body is worn out. So worn out. My legs cramp and ache at the end of the day. My back hurts if I sit playing on the floor for too long with Tori. I get very crampy if I carry Tori too much. Everyone who sees me says I am going to pop before my due date. The end is near, and for that I am very excited!
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