Friday, January 30, 2015

the one where Tori is 23 Months

I am 3 days ahead of schedule. That really doesn't make a difference but thought I would note it, nonetheless.

23 months old. I know everyone says it but its hard to believe time has gone by this fast. In the newborn moments, when your eyes literally HURT because they cannot stay open any longer and you literally think to yourself "how do people get through this?" ...and then if you're like me, you think of that one a-hole person you know who has kids and think "ok, if they did it, I can do it"... lol, no? You didn't do that? I guess it was just me then lol.. the days and nights seemed like the longest ever. That was a terrible sentence and you'll probably have to read it a couple of times but yeah, newborn days are hard. And then they are amazing because you cuddle, you smell, you kiss, you marvel in the love of your child.. you know what I mean.. the 'I didn't know a love like this existed until I became a parent" love. You dream about their future, all of the fun things you're going to get to do together when they get older. What will their personality be like? And then you fast forward to year two. When now, she is a little person.. she talks, walks, runs, climbs, builds.. its amazing. I would do anything to freeze her in this moment right now.

Tori's personality-
For anyone who hasn't met her... you are totally missing out. She is a class clown. She LOVES to make people laugh. Whether that is making silly faces or asking funny questions, she will do anything for a reaction (lets hope she outgrows that by the time shes in school lol). She is so, super aware of people and their feelings (which I like to think is one of the few good traits I was able to pass onto her lol). When she notices someone is upset or crying, she HAS to give them a hug or ask them if they're ok. Tori isn't a huge fan of things she isn't familiar with. If she's in a situation where she gets scared (like when the fire alarms went off in the house).. she will come to me and ask "Mommy, ok?". Its literally her asking me if shes ok in that moment. It is adorable. I love that she turns to Mommy to know that she is going to be alright. She is SO flirty. Guys, girls, anyone who is giving her attention, she will give 'the eye' and just the tiniest bit of a smile.. just enough to reel them in. Tori is SO freakishly smart. She picks up on everything right now. At the grocery store... "Mommy, pepper!"... "Mommy, apple!" (this could be an apple or a tomato but yeah she gets it). She officially knows what it is to have TWO of something, she recognizes the color pink and is putting more and more words together. "Daddys car".. "Daddy come back?"... "Mom, throw pink ball". It is amazing. This transition from newborn to toddler is just insane.

February is going to bring on lots of Birthday party planning. This year I am not going to have something huge but because I am Italian and there is no such thing as a small party it will still be a bigger party than most would have for a two year old. Grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles and neighbors. It is going to be a Daniel Tiger party. I have come up with a few fun ideas.. like tiger striped balloons, I am going to get two dozen donuts instead of a cake because girlfriend LOVES donuts. Oregon Dairy does MTO style so I am going to request orange icing with brown stripes. For the main dish I was thinking baked mac and cheese.... then the usual party stuff, chips, pretzels, cheese. Party favors will probably be something involving Oreos (Toris fav)... and then of course lots of kid play time and grown ups chatting about how fast the past two years have gone. Two years. Came and went. Two years. I have been someones Mommy. Two years. I have soaked up every last second of time with this sweet, sweet girl. The prettiest, best girl ever. (I am not biased! This kid seriously is the best!)

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