Tomorrow my baby girl will be 22 months old. That means she will be TWO in two months. AH. Yeah one to two is no joke. It has flown by. She is turning into a little woman. Craziness.
At 22 months:
-Tori has her favorite people list: Mommy, Mammy, Nonna, Bubba, Pop pop, Mema, Iz, Daddy
-She asks for Iz now all the time. Its adorable. They are really the best of friends.
-She recognizes herself in pictures and knows her name is Tori
-She is awesome at giving you the side eye. It is hilarious
-Loves to hop
-LOVES DOGS. "Puppies", "Doggies", "Puppies", "Doggies"-she cannot get enough
-Gives amazing hugs where she puts you in a choke hold
-Loves to jump in her crib. Thinks its a trampoline
-Hides from me whenever I need to change her diaper. Its not fun.
-Still loves water, she is a little fishy who loves bathtime
-Current favorite foods are: chicken nuggets, M&M's, grapes
-Hates wearing shoes and socks, always wants to be barefoot
-Is a total Momma's girl (and I love every single second of it)
-Anytime she gets upset or stressed she looks at me and says "Ok?" It is so cute and adorable how she is looking to me to make sure everything is going to be alright.
-Loves anything and everything Daniel Tiger. She still hasn't said his name but she can say "oh" which is the Owl's name and "Kit Kat" which is Kitty Katerina lol. Side note: I am having her second birthday party in the DT theme :)
My head is still out of it from last nights festivities so that's all I can remember right now.
For your viewing pleasure: one of Tori's favorite things to do, facetime with her cousin Iz :)
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