Dan was away over Mothers day weekend for a friends bachelor party in Atlantic city. He surprised me with a scavenger hunt in the house (which was hard by the way lol) which led me to a beautiful Pandora charm that is Victoria's birthstone. I love it. He also got me two sweet cards, one from him and one from Tori. On top of that he came home super early Sunday and surprised me so he could spend the day with Tori and I which was awesome. We started the day off around noon with going to my parents house to meet my mom, Stink, Summer and Izzy and then we all headed to the street fair in downtown York. I saw a couple people here and there from my high school but I was surprised I didnt run into more. It was fun spending time with the family. Overall, a great Mothers day.
-Tori is changing and learning so much. She has started mirroring things she sees, talking even more and can hold her head up. I practice all of these things with her including having her follow sounds with her eyes, telling her what different animals sound like, etc. She is so smart! Her sleep has continued on the same pattern which is awesome, she is only getting up once in the middle of the night to eat and be changed and then goes back to sleep until about 7am and is always ready for a morning nap around 9ish. She has also officially bumped up to eating about 4oz per feeding. My baby hippo lol :)
Check out this babe..coolest kid on the block....
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