I cant believe how much Victoria has changed this past month!!! She is getting SO big, sleeping MUCH better and learning SO much. She is smiling on purpose, holding her head up, recognizing me, laughing.. recognizing Dan.. it has been so fun.
Dan laughs at me because of how much I say I love everything that Victoria does lol. I love how she stares, breathes, looks around, smiles, laughs.. ok, I admit, it might be a little much but I cant help it lol.
She just recently has realized she has hands and that she controls them lol. She isnt grabbing for things yet but she looks at her hands a lot and has started putting them in her mouth.
We went out for dinner tonight @ Marion Court and this lady comes over to check out Tor and says "Oh she is so beautiful, how old is she?" .. I tell her "just under 3 months" and she goes "Wow!!! She is so big!!!" LOL shes my little chunker. Officially wearing size 2 diapers, fitting her 3 month clothing perfectly and learning about the world. Right now, in this moment, I wish I could freeze time. I am excited to see her grow and continue learning but this stage she is in right now is just adorable.
We went to a wedding this past weekend of my beautiful friend Shannon and her new husband JP. It was a great wedding. Food was good, company was good, bride looked amazing. My mom watched Victoria. It was nice having a little date just Dan and I as we have forgotten a bit what it is like to be just the two of us. When Shannon slow danced with her dad I got teary eyed thinking of Dan slow dancing with Tori on her wedding day. I know its very far off, but I think about that stuff ya know?.... this relationship I have with my girl is going to just become more and more amazing as time passes by.
I am so lucky.
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