Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Mastitis-4 Me-0

It is legit laughable at this point. I cant even take it.

My daughter gets more adorable and perfect everyday.

I am starting to plan Dans first Fathers day celebrations. I really want to do something fun and special... problem is that Dan is hard to surprise lol.

This week has alrdy been flying by as we prepare for our dear friends James and Ericas wedding day this Saturday. It is going to be a super long but super fun day. I am so excited. I have to be at the hotel to start getting rdy around 8am so Dan is going to be taking Tori to my parents house before he has to meet the guys to get rdy at 11. I am sad to have to spend a whole day away from Tori again.. :-(

Memorial day weekend went fast and was a lot of fun. We had a cookout with my family which was awesome, I love getting time with my family and seeing my nieces. Isabella is being potty trained right now and she is just hysterical, everytime she uses the potty she comes running into whatever room everyone is in and yells "I PEED IN THE POTTY" and everyone cheers and makes the biggest deal out of it ever and she gets a sticker. She is so proud and happy with herself, it is so so cute. 
We went to a friends cookout they have every year its a crawfish boil.. they are from the South and crawfish is a big thing down there so they have this party, lots of food, booze and friends. This year we stayed until about 8 because that is when Tori normally goes down for bed and once we got home I put her to sleep and friends came back to our place for the night. It was really fun. I am glad we have a nice fenced in yard and that all of our neighbors are pretty cool so we can get back to hosting again. I love the summer and having everyone to our house is way easy since I can put Tori upstairs to bed and then go out back and hang with everyone :). Everyone coming over reminds me that I am young and need to have fun. My friends are really important to me and I love getting to let loose with them. I am pretty sure I have not laughed as hard as I did Sunday night since Tori was born lol. :)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Month 2 into 3

I cant believe how much Victoria has changed this past month!!! She is getting SO big, sleeping MUCH better and learning SO much. She is smiling on purpose, holding her head up, recognizing me, laughing.. recognizing Dan.. it has been so fun. 
Dan laughs at me because of how much I say I love everything that Victoria does lol. I love how she stares, breathes, looks around, smiles, laughs.. ok, I admit, it might be a little much but I cant help it lol.

She just recently has realized she has hands and that she controls them lol. She isnt grabbing for things yet but she looks at her hands a lot and has started putting them in her mouth. 

We went out for dinner tonight @ Marion Court and this lady comes over to check out Tor and says "Oh she is so beautiful, how old is she?" .. I tell her "just under 3 months" and she goes "Wow!!! She is so big!!!" LOL shes my little chunker. Officially wearing size 2 diapers, fitting her 3 month clothing perfectly and learning about the world. Right now, in this moment, I wish I could freeze time. I am excited to see her grow and continue learning but this stage she is in right now is just adorable.

We went to a wedding this past weekend of my beautiful friend Shannon and her new husband JP. It was a great wedding. Food was good, company was good, bride looked amazing. My mom watched Victoria. It was nice having a little date just Dan and I as we have forgotten a bit what it is like to be just the two of us. When Shannon slow danced with her dad I got teary eyed thinking of Dan slow dancing with Tori on her wedding day. I know its very far off, but I think about that stuff ya know?.... this relationship I have with my girl is going to just become more and more amazing as time passes by. 

I am so lucky.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Mother's Day and updates

-I cannot believe I just celebrated my first Mothers day! I still cant believe I have a baby and that I am someone's Mommy! It is surreal and it is the best thing I've ever experienced!
Dan was away over Mothers day weekend for a friends bachelor party in Atlantic city. He surprised me with a scavenger hunt in the house (which was hard by the way lol) which led me to a beautiful Pandora charm that is Victoria's birthstone. I love it. He also got me two sweet cards, one from him and one from Tori. On top of that he came home super early Sunday and surprised me so he could spend the day with Tori and I which was awesome. We started the day off around noon with going to my parents house to meet my mom, Stink, Summer and Izzy and then we all headed to the street fair in downtown York. I saw a couple people here and there from my high school but I was surprised I didnt run into more. It was fun spending time with the family. Overall, a great Mothers day.

-Tori is changing and learning so much. She has started mirroring things she sees, talking even more and can hold her head up. I practice all of these things with her including having her follow sounds with her eyes, telling her what different animals sound like, etc. She is so smart! Her sleep has continued on the same pattern which is awesome, she is only getting up once in the middle of the night to eat and be changed and then goes back to sleep until about 7am and is always ready for a morning nap around 9ish. She has also officially bumped up to eating about 4oz per feeding. My baby hippo lol :)

Check out this babe..coolest kid on the block....

Saturday, May 11, 2013

A letter to my Tori

My first Mother's day is here. Dan surprised me with a scavenger hunt and at the end of it there was a Pandora charm of Victoria's birth stone. I love it. Such a great gift.
Sometimes because Tori is so young, I wonder if she knows how much I love her. Can she feel it? Does she dream about it? Can she tell with my every look, hug and kiss that she makes me the happiest person on the planet? In honor of the holiday, I wanted to write a special note to my girl. I am going to print it out and put it in her baby book eventually.

My Dearest Victoria,
From the first moment I laid eyes on you I have been overwhelmed with the most amazing and intense feelings I have ever experienced. Your teeny tiny facial features, soft skin, beautiful eyes and that perfect baby smell, I just cannot get enough of it. Your spirit is already very, very sweet and go with the flow like daddy but you also have a side that is feisty and you know exactly what you want, just like mommy. I stare at you all the time. I breathe you in, I touch your chubby cheeks. I hope you can feel my heart and the love I have for you every second of every day. I am thankful you are my daughter. You made me a mommy from the first second I knew you were in my belly and you have changed my life for the better ever since. You make me strive to be a better woman. I want you to be proud of me, I want you to be proud to say I am your mom. I want to teach you things like how to be a good friend, how to be loyal and honest, how to have compassion towards others. I want to remind you that you can be anything you want to be. I want to do girly things with you like go shopping, paint your nails, do your hair. You make me optimistic for the future..the world is a better place because you are in it. On my first Mothers day, I know I am not a perfect parent but I promise I am always doing the best I can. I will do anything and everything for you. My darling, "I love you as much as a mother can love" <3

On my first Mother's day I am feeling so happy and blessed.

Mastitis-3 Me-0

What more do I even say at this point?

Tips on drying up your milk are very appreciated.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

This and that..

It is bizarre to me how sometimes the days seem to drag on and then all of a sudden you are sitting at your computer, look on the bottom left hand of the screen and see you are already over a week into May.

A couple of updates on the past few days/week:

-This is week two of Victoria only getting up once in the middle of the night. I hope I am not cursing myself right now, but she goes down anywhere between 8:30-10 and then gets up about 5 or 6 hours later and then wants to get up around 7ish for the day. It. is. awesome. I am glad that it seems she likes her sleep as much as mommy does! I will take 4-6 hour intervals. I almost forgot what it is like to not get up every two hours
-Riley officially cries when Tori does. Victoria will cry when she is hungry or needs a diaper change and if it lasts for more than 30 seconds, Riley starts crying and I find myself telling her and Tori both "its ok, Mommy is here" lol so basically I am getting practice balancing two children
-I went away overnight for the first time since Tori has been born and I partied with friends. I was so anxious and upset over the trip the weeks leading up to it, but the day of, for some reason I felt really good. I guess it hit me that hello she was staying with her daddy and Nonna and she would be fine. It felt really good to go out and enjoy myself. Having a kid ages you. I am 25 and my life revolves around my girl, which I love but sometimes I forget what I used to be like. It felt good to do my make up, my hair, wear a sexy dress and dance. I didn't go to Erica's bridal shower since I gave birth that weekend so I was happy to get to participate in her bachelorette party, especially being a bridesmaid I didnt want to miss it. I had a great time and it reminded me just how much I adore my friends :).. and what do ya know? Tori was totally fine and ready for her momma when I got home. I was SO happy to see her, to smell her, kiss her and cuddle her. Oh how I love that girl.
-This weekend is James' bachelor party and Dan will be away for the whole weekend. I am sad hes leaving for that long as weekends are such a special time for us as a family but he will be done with the school year before we know it. 
-Tori is kicking like crazy! She just loves moving her legs and arms it is so cute. She is also "talking" a ton, smiling like crazy and I am even getting some laughs out of her. 
-This weekend is Mothers day. My first mothers day. I am SO excited. As of now the plan is to go to the mothers day parade with my family on Sunday morning and then Dan is going to plan something for us to do as a family in the afternoon/evening when he gets back from AC.
-I have pushed pumping back to every 4.5 hours. As of Sunday I am then going to try to push it back 5 hours, 6 the next, 8 the next etc until my milk is gone which should probably be by the end of the month. I talked to a fellow pumper who recommended that while I have frozen breastmilk I switch back and forth one bottle breastmilk one bottle formula until my milk is gone after I finish pumping this month. 

Enjoy a few pics from the week.. Ill update again soon!

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