Mila Soleil
Three Months Old
About 14 lbs I believe. Shes wearing size 3 months clothing and size 2 diapers! Time to put away the newborn clothes.
No more cough or runny nose, thankfully! We have a follow up (again) in 2 months for her hearing. If shes still not passing at that point we will need to see a specialist.
Exclusively breastfeeding. Shes obsessed with the boobie and not even sort of interested in a bottle. This is making me nervous for New Orleans but we are continuing to work on it!
Mila has been going to sleep around 9:30/10 each night and that is when she gives me the longest stretch of sleep so she will typically sleep until 2 or 3am.. she eats, burps, goes back to sleep and as of late, does this every two hours all night long. Mommy is tired.
-She smiles all the time
-Loves to pull her sisters hair
-likes to nap in her swing
-likes to "beat up" the bird that hands from her playmat
-gives Daddy the best smiles
-has discovered her tongue and likes sticking it out
-blows spit bubbles
-has the best/longest eyelashes ever
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