Ava Estelle
Five Months
About 16lbs. She was 15lbs 8oz at her last check up so I wouldn't be surprised if she is even over 16. She is wearing 6 month clothing comfortably.
Healthy, healthy, healthy girl.
5 months EBF and still not consistently taking a bottle. She is still mostly chewing on the nipple. A friend of mine is a NICU nurse in York and told me to stay consistent with using the same bottles and keep trying. One day she will just do it. So we are hoping that day comes soon. She is still nursing every 3 hours and I have not yet introduced her to any "real food". At this point for Tori, she was alrdy on oatmeal/baby cereal for about a month. Now they say not to bother with that because its empty calories. So starting this week, I am going to introduce her to sweet potatoes. I am hoping this introduction will at least stretch the feedings out to maybe 4 hours or so?
Ava's sleep is not consistent. She will have nights where she does great and gives me 6-8 hour stretches and then nights where she is up every two hours. They say that's a breastfed baby thing but I don't know? I thought I remembered Tori's sleep being more consistent at this point in her age but she was also a breastmilk baby. So who knows.
-She loves to roll over.
-She smiles at everyone.
-She can now reach her piggies and loves to grab them.
-She is forward facing in her baby carrier and loves to people watch.
-She is drooling like crazy
-Her eyes are still blue
-Her hair is just long enough for a little Mohawk
-She is really good in the car
-She laughs at everything Tori does
-She loves to roll over.
-She smiles at everyone.
-She can now reach her piggies and loves to grab them.
-She is forward facing in her baby carrier and loves to people watch.
-She is drooling like crazy
-Her eyes are still blue
-Her hair is just long enough for a little Mohawk
-She is really good in the car
-She laughs at everything Tori does
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