Ava Estelle
One Month
Since my little porker was almost 9lbs at birth, newborn sized things were not really for her. She wore newborn diapers for about a week and fit newborn clothes for about 2 weeks. She currently wears 0-3 months clothing. I already have to go through the newborn clothing in her dresser and pack them up. Tears.
She is a healthy little peanut. Thank God. No jaundice. No colic. No anything. She gained an ounce a day from her 2 day check up to her 2 week check up. Her one month appointment isn't until Jan. 4th so I don't have her current stats but I can tell you she's growing. I think she already feels heavier. The only issue I can think of is that she can be gassy. We usually have an hour or so a night where she is very fussy and needs to poop and just complains until it comes out.
Breastfeeding. How I love and loathe you. We have got the latch down. You definitely eat way more on your first side than you do on the second. By the time you reach the second side I can barely keep you awake for 5 minutes. Breastfeeding still doesn't feel ok or natural for Mommy. I still need my pillow, clothes off, privacy.. I ordered a nursing cover but who knows if I will ever get comfortable enough to nurse anywhere other than home. I am wondering if I just have the most sensitive nipples or what gives?! Maybe I'm just a big baby. 4 weeks in. I have heard 4-6 weeks is the magic number for most people. Please Lord let it be sooner rather than later.
Ava is a night owl and doesn't like to go to sleep until the late hour of 11pm-midnight. That is tough on Mommy but we deal. When she wakes up to eat it is only to eat and she goes right back to sleep so I cant complain.
-Ava loves her sister so much and is always watching her every move.
-Ava smiles and "talks"
-She loves to pull Mommy's hair
-She is always kicking her feet like she is trying to go somewhere
-She currently sleeps beside me in bed. Oops.
-Has taken a bottle once, I will introduce her more to them next month as I prepare for work
-Doesn't like or take a pacifier
We are so in love
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