Thursday, November 12, 2015

the one where Tori gives the best compliments

All day every day I tell my girl how shes the best at everything. I know I might be turning her into the biggest snob ever but I cant help it.. affirmations are my love language.

"Tori you are SO special"
"Tori you are sooooooooooooo smart!!"
"Tori you are so beautiful!"
"Tori you are the BEST girl EVER!"
"Tori Mommy loves you so much"
"Tori you are sooo good at coloring"
"Tori you make Mommy so happy"
"Tori you are so nice to your friends"
"Tori you are so good at sharing"... ok, this one not so much.

You get my drift.
it has turned Tori into the best compliment giver ever LOL.
Without fail, if she is in the living room and I come downstairs from getting dressed, showered, etc...she will say to me "Wow Mom, you look soooo pretty". If I have makeup on, she notices it. If she likes my outfit, she will tell me. When my hair is done, she will tell me she likes it. It is the best thing ever. Her new favorite thing right now is to tell me how I am the best. "Mommy, I love you so much. You are the BESSSSTTT!!!!"

This is all of course in between telling me if shes mad at me etc. but hey, Ill take it.

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