Friday, November 20, 2015

the one with my parent-of-two fears

I would by lying if I didn't just come out and admit that I am nervous about two kids. 39 weeks tomorrow so any day now, I will be taking on the challenge.

These are some legit fears/questions I have when it comes to adding a second child to my crew:

-Is Tori going to still feel like we worship the ground she walks on?
-When I go to the grocery store.. if I put the babys car seat in the basket.. and Tori in the front seat, where do I put the groceries?
-If I am wearing Ava and Tori takes off while out somewhere.. will Ava get the crap shook out of her as I have to dart across the room or wherever to get Tori?
-Will Tori be jealous that I wear Ava?
-Will Tori become even more obsessed with boobies as she sees me breastfeed Ava?
-Will Tori understand why I breastfeed Ava and not her?
-Is Tor going to try to feed Ava things shes not supposed to?
-Will Tori try to smother Ava?
-Is Tori's sleep schedule going to change again when I have Ava?
-Will one of the girls become more attached to Dan?
-How will I carry Ava's car seat into the gym and hold Tori's hand when 9/10 times, Tori doesn't want to hold my hand?
-Parking lots with TWO kids.
-Travelling with two kids.
-How will Dan do handling two kids while I am working?
-How will I manage two kids schedules?
-Will I be able to find stuff to do that is fun for both kids?
-How long until they can be in the same room without me standing right there?
-Will Ava and I get any bonding time alone after the hospital?
-Will I smell Ava and hold her as much as I did with Tori?
-If its raining outside, who do I get out of the house first?
-Am I allowed to leave Ava inside sleeping if I am right out back with Tori?
-Will I leave the house as much with two kids as I do with one?
-How long until we get into the swing of a family of four?
-Will I ever feel like I am fully 'caught up' with anything?
-How long until I will get any sleep? Like ever again in my life?
-How much harder will it be for Dan and I to have date nights?

So anywho, that is what was on my mind today. I am hoping to get the answers to these questions sooner rather than later.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

the one where I'm 38 weeks along

How far along: 38 weeks! The end is near!
Total weight gain: 36 lbs
Maternity clothes: Yep
Stretch marks: Still just the same ones on my hips from when I had Tori, nothing new. (Thankfully)
Sleep: Ava likes dancing on my bladder so I wake up often in the middle of the night.
Best moment of this week: Tori talking to my belly. She was saying "Baby Avaaaaa... time to come out!!!!". It was so sweet. I cant wait for them to meet.
Miss anything: Being able to get up and down without being totally worn out. Cute clothing. My slim face. Wine. Beer.
Movement: YES! A LOT! I will miss that so much.
Food cravings: Ice cream. Sweet frog. Candy. Sweet, sweet, sweet.
Have you started to show yet: Ginormous
Gender: GIRL!
Labor signs: Braxton hicks and my midwife said my cervix is thin (you're welcome)
Belly button in or out: Out
Wedding rings on or off: I don't really wear them anymore.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy but my bod is worn out!
Looking forward to: Giving birth. Smelling her. Holding her close.

We cannot wait to meet you, baby Ava.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

the one where Tori gives the best compliments

All day every day I tell my girl how shes the best at everything. I know I might be turning her into the biggest snob ever but I cant help it.. affirmations are my love language.

"Tori you are SO special"
"Tori you are sooooooooooooo smart!!"
"Tori you are so beautiful!"
"Tori you are the BEST girl EVER!"
"Tori Mommy loves you so much"
"Tori you are sooo good at coloring"
"Tori you make Mommy so happy"
"Tori you are so nice to your friends"
"Tori you are so good at sharing"... ok, this one not so much.

You get my drift.
it has turned Tori into the best compliment giver ever LOL.
Without fail, if she is in the living room and I come downstairs from getting dressed, showered, etc...she will say to me "Wow Mom, you look soooo pretty". If I have makeup on, she notices it. If she likes my outfit, she will tell me. When my hair is done, she will tell me she likes it. It is the best thing ever. Her new favorite thing right now is to tell me how I am the best. "Mommy, I love you so much. You are the BESSSSTTT!!!!"

This is all of course in between telling me if shes mad at me etc. but hey, Ill take it.

Monday, November 9, 2015

the one with a weekend recap

This weekend. My gosh where do I start with this weekend? MADNESS. I tried (and successfully although exhaustingly) to fit as much into this weekend was possible. With Ava really able to come any day now, I feel like I am running out of time to do things outside of the house.

I had work things in the morning (the usual..emails/calls/etc.) Then Tori had a dentist appointment. She does SO good at the dentist. They are so good to their little patients. Toys, distractions, patience. It is awesome and I would recommend them to anyone. Tori and I then hit the gym... as my plan is to walk every day in hopes of getting this girl out... and then made it home to spend a little time with Daddy before he went to work for parent-teacher conferences. It was nice he had a short day Friday so he got to sleep in a little and take a slow morning (free of both Tori and I lol) and got to come home early enough for playtime. We had a lot of fun playing outside and then Mommy high tailed it inside to get ready for a ladies night. Makeup, straight hair, leggings instead of sweatpants.. I really went all out. I told Tori before her and Daddy went to the park that I would not be home when she got back and she seemed fine with it. My friend Amber had a birthday last week so this was her celebration. She is also pregnant (due in February with Ava's best friend Ella) so it was nice that everything we did was pregnant chick friendly. Pedicures at my favorite salon right by LA Fitness (where I then gifted Amber with a SweetFrog gift certificate because lets be honest, pregnant girl dream come true right there). After our pedicures we met the rest of our crew out at Iron Hill. I haven't been there in 100 years and it was so good. We shared the sweet potato fry app which is DELISH and probably my most favorite thing on their menu (lol) and then I had a meatlovers pizza. I am determined to eat whatever I want until the babe pops out and I have to start caring again lol. That brings me to the end of the night, home by 8:45... watched a movie with Dan, and bedtime. A fun but exhausting Friday.

We had plans for Dans mom to keep Tori for the day for a week now. We needed to get the house Ava proof and the fact is, I don't get much done when I am with Tori. She is borderline obsessed with me and then mix that with the fact that I am legit obsessed with her, and it means lots of playtime and no cleaning. Dan dropped her off at his Mom's while I had a dr appointment and then I followed that with picking up my mom to come help us for the afternoon. We did everything from wash the car seat cover and pack n play set up, to organizing all of Ava's clothes by size.. rearranging and adding some décor to Toris room, hanging up blinds and curtains in the guest room.. setting up diaper "stations" if you will all throughout the house, making room in the kitchen for baby stuff and lots and lots of washing things like my bjorn, baby blankets, burp cloths, etc. It was definitely harder to prep this time around with trying to squeeze everything in between all of Tori's stuff. After we did that, we decided to take advantage of Rhonda having Tori and head out to dinner just Dan and I for his birthday. His bday is the same as Ava's due date so we figured we would celebrate early since we dont know when shes coming and if we try to celebrate late, then you have all Christmas stuff youre trying to squeeze in also. We joke that we are totally cursed when we try to go out to eat. Literally had the worst service ever at our first stop, followed by lots of places that had super long waits... and then ended it with just getting some appetizers at Bulls head in downtown Lititz. Some birthday dinner lol. I was in bed around 9:30 and Dan had gone out with some friends for drinks and didn't make it home til 1. He is a wild animal, that one.

I was SO sore. SO tired. Did more cleaning. And was an exhausted, irritable mess the rest of the day. Thankfully today Tori slept in until 9, Mommy got some extra rest and I am feeling much better.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

the one where Tori has been in preschool for two months

I thought I was going to enjoy my "break time" more than I have been. I think its because 2.5 hours is really just not a long time. I drop Tori off at school and try to run errands... go to the office, the gym, grocery store, get my eyebrows done, whatever I think would be much easier to do without her.. all the while I am religiously checking my phone for the time (even though I have an alarm set for when I have to leave to pick her up) and before I know it, its 11:20 and time to head on over to Calvary.

Morning routine on Tuesdays and Thursdays:
On the off chance that Tori isn't up yet, I make sure she is awake by 8am. We canoodle for a minute or two while she tells me what her dreams were about and very sternly insists that she will be "wearing a dress today!". Diaper change. Outfit on. Brush teeth. The girl loves to brush her teeth. That is both a good thing and a really time consuming thing lol. Like who takes 10 whole minutes to brush their teeth? Lets go kid! We have to get out of the door by 8:40 and you haven't even let me do your hair or ate breakfast yet! School day breakfasts are quick. They are usually either a waffle (don't worry, whole grain, no added crap, cost a $hitload of money at the store... we don't do eggos), a banana and yogurt or a yogurt and a nature valley bar. I then have to spend 5 minutes convincing her that going to school "looking like a wild animal" is frowned upon and I try to get a classic ponytail in her hair. She insists on a braid. Always a braid. Strike that, a braid or nothing at all. She likes the Merida (Brave) look. We get to school, I of course park in the permit only section. Ever since they told us those can be used by anyone pregnant or anyone bringing more than one child to school I take full advantage. We go inside and sit in the hallway for about 5 minutes until they open the doors. We play "find your classroom".. she points to many classrooms that are in fact NOT hers (which I think she does just to be funny) and then we find her room. Drop off is usually fine. Shes had the occasional "mommy don't leave me" moments but for the most part, no issues.
After that is where Mommy rushes to her car and makes a mad dash to squeeze in as much stuff as possible. My favorite part (of course) is picking up my girl. First of all, I am always there before class is officially over so I usually catch "circle time" where the kids are sitting there reading a book with the teacher. All of the kids except for mine. Mine is the one sitting next to the assistant teacher, with no shoes on, playing with the hair of the girl in front of her, petting the head of the boy sitting next to her.. or trying to rip bracelets and necklaces off of the assistant teacher. I literally peek into the windows and crack up like a crazy person. Tori is not much for sitting. Or calm time. Or keeping her hands to herself.
She is always so happy to see me at the end of the day and also so excited to tell me about all of the fun she is having. She doesn't usually remember what it is they actually learned that day but she ALWAYS remembers which friend she played with the most and she ALWAYS remembers what she had for snack time lol.

In a nutshell:
Tori is developing at rapid speed. She talks non stop. Seriously, always talking. Much like her mommy and daddy who are social butterflies. She puts together full sentences.. remembers names so well.. and although she is not napping, school does seem to wear her out and make her relax for a little afterwards so that makes me happy. I like the school a lot but will still probably enroll her in the school closer to our house for her 3 year old year more for convenience than anything else. 2 months down! She is doing FAB!!!

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