It has been awhile since I have given an update on my big girl. My wild, stubborn, smart, beautiful girl.
Tori is 28 months old.. two years and four months.. "about two and a half" as I tell people.
-Tori is a tough cookie. She is very stubborn and knows exactly what she wants. Or doesn't want. This makes it impossible for a lot of really basic things right now... Like getting her dressed in the morning. She is literally rolling around on the floor while I am trying to stuff her like a sausage into whatever outfit it is. Usually I try to dress her in just a one piece dress that way its quick and easy. It really is not quick and easy. Ever.
-Tori's hair. It is curly and big. Much like Mommy's. It is so long too. In the bath tub when its wet, its halfway down her back and then when it dries it pops up to just past her shoulders. I will not cut it because Im terrified that it will make her curls go away. With that being said.. she hates getting her hair brushed. When I have her in the tub I spray it with detangler and try to run the brush through it and she screams and I force her to sit through it and then I don't touch it with a brush again until the next bath lol.
-Her appetite is hit or miss lately. She will eat a ton for breakfast, then nothing for lunch, then a ton for dinner.. nothing for breakfast, a huge lunch, no dinner.. you just don't know what her little belly is going to want or not want next.
-Baby girl LOVES to be outside (like she has her whole 2.5 years of life). Her slide, the park, the pool, her "waggie" (wagon), the "tramp" (neighbors trampoline).. those are all of her favorite things and where they are is where she wants to be. This is not fun when it is raining outside.. or when you have just gotten out of bed and are walking around like braless betty and don't want to scare away the neighbors.
-She still hasn't shown much interest in Mommys growing belly/her baby sister.
-She loves Daniel Tiger (especially baby Margaret) and Curious George. Shes really into reading his book lately. We go through it and point out all of the animals.
-Shes an animal lover. Especially doggies. Yes, I do in fact take my toddler to places like the dog park, pet smart and that fish place when we are looking for things to do. No, I don't have a pet.
-Her naps have been hit or miss. I wish they were always a hit lol. They are for Mommy.
-She LOVES building towers. It is always her go-to in her playroom.
-She has learned how to "do cartwheels". It is the cutest thing ever. She will be on the trampoline and look down and try to roll and it is sort of more of a side roll on her shoulder and when she gets up, she is soooo proud of herself. Its adorable.
-Tori has been loving having daddy home this summer. He is working part time but he doesn't have to be at work until 11am (and is there until anywhere from 2:230-4). As soon as I get Tori up she asks to "see daddy".. during the school year we never see Daddy in the morning, we don't see him until he gets home at 3:30 so shes loving it. I let her wake Daddy up and she loves getting to lay in Mommy and Daddys bed, she asks to be covered with the blankie and just lays beside Daddy for a few minutes before we make the trek downstairs to have breakfast together.
I have said it a couple times already but this is definitely the hardest age I have experienced so far with Tori. I also love it at the same time. She is learning so, so much. She is starting to have her own opinion on things she wants to do, things she wants to wear.. she is starting to really attach herself even more to different people. She is Mommys little shadow (as Daddy calls her) and I love that I get to have my bestie with me 24/7. She is the BEST!
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