Thursday, February 26, 2015

the one where TORI TURNS TWO

I am writing this post a little early as I am going to be way too super busy the next couple of days to type it up but here we go:

Victoria is turning two.
TWO YEARS OLD. At two, Tori...

-is 27 lbs and.. Im not sure of her height actually lol the girl is a tank. She is getting so heavy!
-Last night she told Dan and I all of her body parts: hands, feet, hair, head, boobies, belly, eyes, nose, mouth, ears. She is brilliant.
-The only color she recognizes right now pink
-If you ask her how old she is turning she smiles and says "TWO!"
-She is starting to recognize SO many people outside of Mommy and Daddy and her grandparents and Iz. Robbie, Maddox, Mia, Tay Tay, Meg, Jack, Will.. the list goes on. She has a big circle, that girl.
-Tori is obsessed with hugging. It is ADORABLE. She loves to ask Mommy and Daddy for hugs and she also likes to ask us to hug each other.
-She "sings".. as in hears music and makes funny noises and dances
-Tori likes to sit on the kitchen counter while Mommy and Daddy are cooking, or cleaning, or anything else that lets her be on the counter. Daddy is not a huge fan of this.
-Tori is still obsessed with dogs.
-Tori loves the movies Lady and the Tramp and 101 Dalmations
-Her favorite cartoon is still Daniel Tiger (and is what the theme of her bday party is)
-Her best friend is still her cousin Iz.
-She still has her curly hair and I am avoiding a haircut for as long as possible so she doesn't lose those.
-Her eyes are as blue as ever. I think they are sticking around.
-She tells us when she goes to the bathroom. Not before, only after so she isn't quite there as far as potty training but definitely getting close. Probably this summer.
-Tori is my little artist. She loves to paint, draw & "write notes"
-She is impossible to get dressed or change her diaper. She hates laying still so it is a legit wrestling match anytime I want to get her dressed, put on a coat, change her diaper.

My two year old, wow. I love her so.


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