I love the Manheim Township Library. This is where I take Tori for her 'Toddler Time' events and it is so beautiful. The staff is so nice and its a great way to spend an hour a week so Mommy and Tori get out of the house and Tori gets some time with kids her age. Tonight, they had Santa there. Santa, it was free, there were crafts.. all you had to do was register so I jumped on it quickly. If there is one thing the library Santa was going to give us that the Mall Santa wasn't is a cheap picture haha. The library event was free so other than Dan sticking a $5 in the donation bin, it was a cheap event for Mommy, Tor and Daddy. I wasn't sure how Tori was going to do this year. Last year she was only 8 or 9 months old so when she sat on Santas lap she just kept staring at him. She wasn't scared at all, more so because she was too young to understand what was happening so she just sat there and stared at him. Every single picture they got of her you could only see the side or top of her head so needless to say, we didn't buy any. This year, at almost 2.. I knew stranger danger was going to kick in(and it did). As soon as we got to the library my anxiety went through the roof as there was literally no parking. We made our own parking spot and then headed into the library.
We are walking into the library, its dark out and very light rain.. and I see this little boy (probably 6 or 7) following this man to a car.. the man says to him "Ok, that is my van over there.. the white one, come with me and Ill take you to your mommy"... WHAT THE HECK?! Instantly I ask Dan if he just heard that and he said no so I tell him what I just heard and he starts sort of freaking too like what should we do? So strange. It could be nothing. Or it could be something. I mean.. don't you always hear of these sort of abduction cases happening like that? "Come to my car.. Ill take you to your mommy".. so Dan runs over behind the car and gets the license plate number of the van. We go inside, talk to the staff.. tell them what we hear.. and after a couple of them get together and talk they figure out what the situation was. There was a boy there with his grandma, she ended up getting sick or hurt or something while there and had to call someone to pick him up because she was taken to the hospital.. so pretty much a neighbor or distant relative or someone of that sort came and got the boy. RELIEF. I am really glad we handled the whole thing like we did because I really couldn't stop thinking about it. It made me so uneasy and Im glad we were as proactive as we felt fit.
The line moved super quickly to see Santa (thankfully... Im not good with crowds.. they make me anxious). She would NOT sit on Santa's lap she was not letting me put her down lol.. so instead, she sat on Mommys lap while next to Santa. That girl, she loves her momma. After we got a couple of pictures of that (which turned out hilarious) we gave Daddy a library tour. He had never been there before so we showed him where Tori colors, where Tori climbs, where Tori likes to sit, where Tori reads stories(lol).
It was a fun and exhausting night. The amount of work and errands I had to do today were not even sort of normal and Tori was such a trooper all day. I am glad we got to do something fun as a family to finish off the evening.
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