My little girlfriend will be 17 months old in 2 days. I have been referring to her as my 'year and a half old' because I am really trying not to be the "shes 43 months old" kind of mom.
Tori is:
-Talking up a storm. She has added "uh oh" and "woohoo" to her vocab over the past couple of weeks. It is adorable.
-She is a fan of collecting things (like every pacifier she can find, etc.)
-She loves going for rides in her green bucket. The neighbor boy puts her in it and then just pushes her around in it, it is hilarious and adorable but not so fun when she wants mommy and daddy to do it. Its pretty exhausting actually lol.
-She loves water. It is all she drinks. And when I say drink I mean chugs.
-She still loves her fruit, her favorite right now are strawberries.
-She will randomly stop what she is doing and just lay flat out on the floor. It is hilarious, then she reaches up to you with her little arms like ok come get me up now.
-She loves her pool. She will play in it for hours if we let her. She is like that at bath time too. I would love for us to get a family membership to the pool next year so I think around her 2nd birthday swim classes will be in order.
-She is still obsessed with babies. She must talk to and look at every one that she sees wherever we are and as soon as she sees one on tv she adorably says "baby" over and over again.
-She hates getting in her car seat.
-She hates getting her diaper changed and runs from me every.single.time.
-She is down to two bottles a day. Taking her morning bottle away was actually really easy (thankfully)
-The curls on the back of her head are getting longer but she still barely has hair on top so she is still rockin' a baby mullet
Everyday she is getting smarter and more and more beautiful. My favorite thing about her is her silliness and the fact that she always knows the exact right time to just come right up to me and give me a big hug or kiss. Shes my bestie that one. <3
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