Victoria turned 14 months old a few days ago and it has been really exciting and scary watching her gain more and more independence. She tries (unsuccessfully) to put on her own shoes, she feeds herself her bottle at naptime and puts herself to sleep and she wants to feed herself real food. This is where mommy terror kicks in. Tori only has two teeth and she insists on eating anything and everything. The dr told me as long as she learns chewing etc the amount of teeth she has isn't that important, just don't give her anything super hard (duh). So, I cut up bananas for her to feed herself, she eats puffs, etc.. but she cannot eat fast enough. If you put 4 cut up pieces of banana in front of her she will not eat a piece of banana, she will take her hand, swipe them all at one time and shove them in her mouth. Every. Single. Piece. At. Once. If her eyes so much as water for a second because shes eating too fast I panic, my heart feels like its going to burst out of my chest, I hit her on the back... sometimes I have reacted like that so quickly and its nothing so she ends up looking at me like what the heck mom?! Why are you hitting me?! Lol.
Choking is one of my biggest fears. Seeing someone choke, not so much me choking. This obviously is extra terrifying when it comes to your child. Your very hungry all the time, will eat anything you put in front of her as fast as she can child.
The other day I actually said to her if she tried to shove that many bananas in her mouth again then I would never let her eat anything other than baby food for the rest of her life.
Anywho: on the house front: We are still unpacking and organizing. I am waiting on the curtains I ordered for Tori's room and then I have a wall decal to add and a shelf/her name in blocks to add to the wall and she will be all done. The living room I still need a few more things but it is coming along. We have the fireplace area decorated how we want and the new tv stand etc how we want it. We decided not to paint the downstairs right now because the last owners had the house repainted for the move and it just looks too good to paint over it, like there is really not a speck of paint out of place. So the last thing for the dining room right now is we want to change the light fixture. The kitchen is still waiting on its chalkboard wall and the playroom needs some color. We wanted to make this all happen before the housewarming parties so we will see. Yes, parties.. a family party and a friends party. Sometimes you must keep them separate lol.
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