Me, my best friend Bertha and our friend Lindsay moved into the apartment. Eventually Lindsay moved out and our friend Erin moved in. We had SO much fun. The apartment was a 3 bedroom townhouse about 5 minutes off campus. We had a garage which we obviously used as a party room and we had college kids everywhere around us. A bunch of my future sorority sisters lived in the same complex, and we had good looking college guys living in both apartments on either side of us haha every girls dream. We lived SO poor LOL. None of us had a lot of money so we got creative with furniture.. we got our kitchen table and chairs and tv stand all from an auction that my dad took me to. The stuff was SO old but it served the purpose. At some point in our apartment we only had a tv stand and tv in our living room LOL so me and Bertha used to "camp out" for dinner on the floors. Then when Christmas came we got fancy and had not only the tv and tv stand but a Christmas tree too LOL. Oh wait until you hear where we got our couch... One day a couple of the guys were taking out their trash and called us and said "Hey guys theres a couch at the dumpster! Do you want it? We will bring it over!" bahahahaha. Yes, we had a couch from the dumpster in our living room. Who knows what the couch had seen or where it had been.. but there it was.. covered in sheets... sitting in our living room. LOL. When Dan and I first started dating I lived at that apartment and he told me he thought it was messier than his frat house he lived in at college LOL. I am NOT a fan of taking out the trash so I will be the first to admit it stayed in a pile in the corner of our kitchen for a long time.. eventually one of us would get mad/annoyed enough that we would take it to the dumpster. We were one of the firsts out of our friends to have our own place so our house was ALWAYS the party place. IT WAS AMAZING. We had Halloween parties there, st patricks day parties there, birthday partys.. Friday parties.. Saturday parties lol. What a sense of freedom. I must say, although times got crazy.. it was such a learning experience and gave me some of my absolute best memories from my life. I am so, so glad I experienced living with girlfriends/on my own before moving in with a guy or anything.
A random night at our house...
The infamous Christmas tree..
My 21st birthday party....
A crazy night at the Village.. our Wednesday night spot
Another night at the village for the roomies...
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