Since Tori's first year is wrapping up I thought I'd share a day in the life of Lulu.
6:30-7ish am: Tori wakes us up with some singing into her monitor. We keep some toys in her crib so that if she gets up and mommy needs another 20 minutes she can keep herself busy for a little. I then go to her room & every morning I peek my head into the door and say "Goooooood moooorrnniiinggggg". She thinks its hilarious. Actually, she thinks everything that mommy does is hilarious. Diaper changed. Baby is fed. Mommy chases baby as baby tries to crawl as fast as she can either into the guest room (there is a door from Toris room that goes into the guest room) or go into the hallway where she screams with delight as I stomp my feet and chase her.
7:15-8:15am: Mommy enjoys a cup of much needed coffee and some tv while trying to wake up. Victoria takes this time to eat a couple morning puffs and play.
8:30-9:30am: Off to the gym
9:30-11am: although this can vary, this is usually when Victoria takes her morning nap. She always naps for at least an hour but she doesn't always go right down at 9:30.
11am-2pm : Playtime. Mall. Errands. Lunch. Afternoon nap. We pretty much try to just get out of the house at some point during that time period. This time of day works out nice because she has had her nap so shes usually in a fab mood and we like to do everything (including her nap)before 3pm so we can get home in time to see Daddy as soon as he gets off from work around 3:30pm.
3:30pm-5pm: Schmooze with daddy. Hug him, kiss him, make him pick her up, make him put her down. Pretty much boss daddy around.
5-6:30pm: Sit in her high chair, eat puffs (those things are lifesavers)and play with some sort of wooden kitchen tool while Mommy and Daddy make and eat dinner
6:30-8: Lots more playing, reading, chasing, dancing, singing, stacking, climbing... anything to keep her awake until 8pm. She fades really fast lol so we have to keep her stimulated and busy.
8pm: Mommy puts baby to sleep.
Sometimes these days seem SO SLOW. Sometimes these days seem SO FAST. My favorite parts of the day: her face when I go into the kids club at the gym to pick her up, the excitement she shows when she hears the front door unlock and realizes daddy is home from work, the hugging, the kissing, her laughing when we play peek a boo for 30 minutes straight...
our time together at night when I rock her on the rocking chair and stare at her perfect face...watching her eat her bottle, watching her eyes close, seeing how safe and comfortable she is in her Mommy's arms and breathing her in so that I can dream of her.. because being with her all day long just isn't enough <3

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