Victoria is 9 months old. At her 9 month doctor appointment she was 19lbs 8oz, 28in long. I cant believe my little peanut, who was born at 6lbs 11oz(then went down to 5lbs 11oz in a week).... is now almost 4x as big as she was at birth. Crazy. The swing that we use for Tori is a travel swing so its smaller than a normal swing, we have liked it because it is easy to take to different places... but now that Tori is so big, shes too big for the swing, like it literally doesn't swing when shes in it lol. Victoria is so smart and I swear there is something new with this lady going on every day. She is talking even more, trying to repeat words when we say them to her. Apparently she talks a LOT, we have had multiple people tell us they think she will be an early talker... hahaha I cant say that with me as her mother I am at all surprised. Tori is also getting a lot stronger. She now does the "downward dog" pose lol... she will get on her hands and knees then stretch out/lock her legs so shes a little triangle. It is hilarious and she looks right at you when she does it to make sure you are watching. Little lady hates socks and is very good at getting them off. No really, our game anywhere we go is to see how long it takes until Tori only has one sock on lol. Little lady is also taking a LOT more bumps to the head right now. She is getting strong but is still not completely stable so she will do things when she is sitting up like shake her head "no" as hard as she can and then will knock herself over. Or the whole downward dog thing, she tends to land face first on the floor then. Shes had a bruise on her forehead. Stupid hardwood floors. Victoria is also clapping now. I AM OBSESSED. It is soooo cute and the happiness in her face when shes doing it is priceless. 3 months until my baby is 1. I am going to start planning the party after the holidays.
To end the post...the pediatrician said to Dan and I on Monday that his biggest regret in parenting was not always taking time to do the small things with his kids. He said he wished he could go back in time, and the moments his daughter asked him to watch a movie, that he did that instead of mowed the lawn, that when his son asked him to play outside, he went and did that instead of watched the football game. I made a promise to Victoria and to myself to try to always remember that. When she is driving me crazy and wanting to play the same game over and over again and Id much rather read a magazine, that I play the game again. That when its raining outside and I hate the idea of being wet in my clothes.. I grab my daughter and we go outside and run around, playing in the rain.
Her happiness is everything to me. I will always remember that.. raising her to be happy, to always be a friend to others, to always be grateful for what she has..& to give her childhood memories she will cherish forever. Those are my goals as a mother.
Victoria Luna, 9 months until forever, you will always be my baby.
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