Until then, I am going crazy trying to think of how to give us more room. Our living room is a really ODD shape. Its long and skinny just like the rest of the house. Right now we sort of have the room broken into two rooms. One half we have the couches and tv... the other half we have the computer and pack n play. See below. Behind the couch there is a pack and play, Tori's jumper and the computer.
This is where I need help.
We have decided to put the computer/computer desk upstairs in the guest room. This will save us room down here and honestly we don't really use the desktop computer much so as of right now, it really is just taking up space. That will open up one corner of the room significantly. Im not sure how much this will actually help us with re arranging the room though because it doesnt change the shape of the room lol. So as of right now, our next idea is one couch in front of the window, one couch along the right side (where you currently see the dvd case) and then moving the tv to the left side (by the fireplace).
If you see a way you think I can rearrange to make this room more open,
please let me know! I need help!
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