Saturday, April 6, 2013


Victoria has changed my life in so many ways. When I look at my life since she has been in it, everyday has been so special. I find myself trying to savor every second. Every kiss, hug, facial expression, nap, diaper, bath, tummy time.. everything. I don't want to forget any second that I spend with her. I have changed. A lot. Like legit changed. She brings a peace to my mind and heart.. one that used to be filled with anxiety, a need for everyone to like me, a need to always be the center of attention, a need to be in charge, a need to make excuses, a need to never explain myself and a need to put my feelings first. She makes me want to be a better wife, a better mother, a better friend, a better daughter. I get tears in my eyes just thinking of how much I love her. I cant help but be the most proud mother in the world.
I have found I really don't care about the same things that I used to. I don't want to be out running around all hours of the night, drinking and going crazy. Don't get me wrong, I am young and still want to be me. I still want to do things that I enjoy.. I just feel like I enjoy them differently now. Its like I enjoy them because I am genuinely enjoying life. I want to surround myself with people who make me happy and add positivity to my life. I want to go to the gym because it makes me feel good about myself. I want to spend time outside because I want to appreciate beautiful days and fresh air. I want to spend time with my friends because I love their personalities and we laugh until we cry when we are together. I want to spend time with my mom because I want her to know I appreciate what she has done for me. I want to play with my dogs because they have never judged me. I want to kiss my husband everyday because he shares the best part of my life with me.

I feel like I am in a dream lately. Life is so, so good.

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