My dearest is two months old. I feel like most people follow this with "I cant believe its been two months". I dont feel that way. I know one day I will look back and say wow this time has flown by, but today, the past two months feels exactly like two months to me.
My body is still adjusting to life after giving birth, my mind is still adjusting to this new thing called motherhood, my brain is still adjusting to no sleep and my heart is still adjusting to this feeling of love I didnt know existed.
It is overwhelming loving someone so much. She makes my everyday so much better. She is beautiful, sweet, funny, charming... yes, already at two months old I can see these traits just shining through her beautiful smile and eyes.
Today was Victoria's 2 month check up. She is doing fabulous. I love hearing the doctor tell me how amazing and healthy she is. Her stats: weight: 11lbs 1oz height: 22 3/4 inches
Dan and I knew she would be at least 11lbs, the little porker is getting heavy!!! and so is her car seat lol.
The worst part of the appointment was my girl getting her shots. She took them like a trooper though, cried for a couple seconds and then forgot all about them a minute later. Mommy was upset and shed a few tears.. and Tori barely noticed, go figure lol. The nurse said to me "hold her hand and talk to her so she knows everything is going to be ok".. I feel like that moment hit me like wow, I am her mom... I make everything better for her. I am her comfort, I am her love, I am how she knows everything is going to be alright.
I love being a mother. I love being Victoria's mother.
Happy two months baby girl