Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Such joy

At the mall with Danny yesterday and he is about to try on dress pants for work..

Me: "Babe can you find me a chair? I need to sit for a little"
-we turn the corner to the changing room and there is a really sweet old lady waiting there for her husband
Old lady: "Wow you really do need a chair..when are you due? Cant be much longer"
Me: "Haha yep in just about 3 weeks"
Old lady: (yells into dressing room to her husband) "Joe, don't you come out here naked! There is a lady about to drop at any second"
Old Man: "Oh man, if shes about to drop then I wont come out at all, she definitely WILL pop that baby out!"
Old lady: "What are you having?"
Me: "A little girl, baby Victoria"
Old lady: (comes closer to me and sort of whispers) "Im not really supposed to say this because I have a grandson too.. but little girls really are the best. They are so fun, happy, full of such joy... and have you seen those accessories?!"

Little girl, I am dreaming of you and cannot wait for you to get here <3

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