Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The best Ang

You know the kind..the mom who looks like she has it all together, the one who's hair is perfect, who was a size 2 within a month of giving birth... the mom who looks so happy, so proud, like there isn't anything she couldn't do while holding one child's hand and having a baby on her hip??....
Am I going to be that mom? I already feel like a mom in so many ways. My decisions, my thoughts.. is the baby ok? Is she comfortable the way Im laying? Did she move as much today as she did yesterday? Is she going to think I am doing a good job? Will she feel loved everyday?
I hope I remember to always be patient.. to always tell her I love her. I hope I am the mom she is proud of. I hope I am the mom that I am proud of.
My entire life I have wanted to be a wife and mother. I am experiencing an almost scary too-good-to-be-true feeling. My husband is amazing. He and I get each other on a level that I didn't know was possible. He lets me be me. He brings out the best in me. He always believes in me and supports me. Now here we are and he is giving me the greatest gift, that of motherhood.
Being a wife has been an adjustment, but in our marriage it has been a team effort. The same way I am learning to be a wife, Dan is learning to be a husband so we have each other for support. I guess I am just nervous that as a mom, what if I don't do a good job? girl cant do anything about who her mother is! She has to take me for what I am, good or bad.  I guess that's another beautiful thing about children though, they love you unconditionally.
Adding our sweet Victoria to our life is going to be amazing and I will continue to dedicate myself to my family and my life. To be the best wife, the best mother, the best Ang that I can be.

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