Mila Soleil
Ten Months Old
Over 19lbs.. wearing size 9-12 months
We are currently seeing specialists in the process of trying to figure out what has caused Milas partial hearing loss. Cat scan, MRI, cardiologist, opthomologist, a fitting for a temporary hearing aid.. we are a little overwhelmed but hopeful for answers! Other than all of the ear business, shes doing so great. She is SO happy.
Formula and food! If she is ever cranky and doesnt want to be on the floor, we stick her in her high chair and give her food. The girl gets HANGRY and nothing makes her happier than food. Fact.
Her naps are either once a day or twice a day. She still needs twice a day but Im finding it harder and harder to let her do two naps a day because our schedules are just so crazy. With both Tori and Ava in school, my work schedule, etc. we are busy bees! Evenings are typically that she goes to sleep around 7/7:30 and then wakes up around 6/7am.
-She loves to roll around on the floor w her sisters and lay her head on them.
-Loves to pull Avas hair. We havent quite figured out why but for some reason, its just Ava she likes to do that to.
-Likes to blow raspberries.
-Mommy is her favorite
-Likes bathtime with her sisters
-Shes making a lot more baby talk
-She wants to stand SO bad. She gets on all fours and then pushes her little butt up in the air. It is SO cute.
Her 1st birthday party invitations are ordered and I can hardly believe she will be one in two months. She is an angel. A real life, living angel.
-She loves to roll around on the floor w her sisters and lay her head on them.
-Loves to pull Avas hair. We havent quite figured out why but for some reason, its just Ava she likes to do that to.
-Likes to blow raspberries.
-Mommy is her favorite
-Likes bathtime with her sisters
-Shes making a lot more baby talk
-She wants to stand SO bad. She gets on all fours and then pushes her little butt up in the air. It is SO cute.
Her 1st birthday party invitations are ordered and I can hardly believe she will be one in two months. She is an angel. A real life, living angel.