Saturday, September 30, 2017

the one where I am 34 weeks along

Pregnancy update!

I sort of feel like this is going fast and sort of feel like its going slow. I thought for SURE I was 35 weeks pregnant this week. And then I opened up my app and it said "34 weeks" and I had to count down the final weeks to see and what do ya know? I am in fact, 34 weeks along. The end is near. They say full term is 37 weeks so as far as I'm concerned, 3 more weeks and she can come anytime after that!
On Wednesday/Thursday I was having a lot of dizziness and an on and off headache for about two days. It was awful, I couldn't even roll onto my side in the middle of the night without getting really dizzy/nauseous. I called the dr and they had me go in on Thursday night to get checked out due to my history with pre eclampsia. I had pre-e with Tori and not with Ava, I was REALLY hoping to not go through that again this time. They checked me out (blood work/labs) and figured out I am not suffering from pre-e, the Dr said its just typical end of pregnancy stuff and that I need to "take it easy" for a few days. "Take it easy"... you know, with work, two kids, a husband and house, no big deal- easy peasy! -insert eye roll-.

How far along: 34 weeks!
Total weight gain: 35 lbs and going strong, hoping its all baby haha
Maternity clothes: Now that the cooler weather is hopefully here to stay, I plan on leggings on leggings on leggings to get me through these last 3-6 weeks. I HATE maternity pants so I am going to try to avoid maternity jeans as much as possible.
Stretch marks: N/A
Sleep: Non existent. I cannot wait for a non pregnant sleep. I have had to take naps here and there when I can because I am just not sleeping at night. It sucks.
Best moment of this week: Got to hear babys heartbeat on Thursday night, she has been steady 130's. Sounds great. I love listening to her heartbeat. Such a sweet sound.
Miss anything: Alcohol, comfortably laying on my back, sleep..
Movement: A ton! My fav thing ever!
Food cravings: No, more food aversions than anything else.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Humidity, getting over heated
Have you started to show yet: See: weight gained lol
Gender: Girl mom for life!
Labor signs: Thankfully no!
Belly button in or out: Out!
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or moody most of the time: Irritable.
Looking forward to: Finally deciding on a middle name! First name is set!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

the one where Tori starts pre k!

I would like to preface this post saying, I for one really hate the corny cliché.. "where did the time go?"... and every other Mom comment you can think of. But seriously guys, its true. I have yet to meet a mother who has older kids that doesn't tell me they would do anything to go back in time to babyhood or toddlerhood with their children. That it went faster than they could keep up with. That they hardly remember it because it was such a blur.

Going from 0 to 1 child was hard. Everyone tells you your life is about to change but you have NO idea just how much it is going to change until the baby is finally here. Enter: Tori. Breastfeeding was hard, not sleeping was hard, missing out on events was hard, going to events but not being able to get her out of my head was hard, questioning my every decision was hard. I'm in love with her in a way that I can only describe as an obsession. She changed everything about my life and saved me in ways that I didn't know I needed to be saved.

Obsession; an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a persons mind.

That is my Tori since the day she was born. I eat, sleep, breathe her. And now, here we are.. shes 4.5 years old and in pre-k! Meaning the school year you go to-to prepare you for KINDERGARTEN... aka the school year that will take her away from me for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, 9 months a year. And once it starts, there is no end in sight until she graduates high school. Excuse me while I take some deep breathes and try not to vom all over myself. Since she has been born, shes been my little shadow- everywhere Mom goes, Tori goes. She has never spent a day in daycare. She has only spent two nights in a row away from me ONCE in her 4.5 years.. any other time has been a sporadic one night here and there. Its very hard for me to think of any other person getting this time with her that I'm not. That someone else is going to see her figure something out, start having an interest in something, be a friend to someone who needs one.

All this to be said is just leading to what has been very clear to Dan and I since she turned four: she is SO ready for more school. For more time away. She is not scared. She is confident. She is VERY aware of those around her. Of others' feelings. She is always watching. She is always taking everything in. She asks questions. She figures things out. She can be shy at first, mostly because shes always trying to figure everyone out.. and then she is a total lover. She wants to be friends with everyone. She wants everyone to be happy. She wishes so hard she was older and bigger!

So to my oh so sassy, smart, vibrant, beautiful, hilarious Tori: YAY for Pre-K! I know you will do fabulous and have so much fun. I love you.

And because Ava needed in on the photoshoot today:

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