Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Baby's First Beach Trip

So Dan and I planned an overnight trip to Rehoboth Beach, DE (our fav) as just a little family break. Summer never feels real until we make it to the beach. It was to be me, Dan, Tori and my mom who was going to come to help out with Tori and also stay with her in the evening so Dan and I could have some couple time..
and then Dan woke up with an over 100 degree fever, a headache and a belly ache.
This was already the second time we had rescheduled the trip so we decided that me, Tori and my mom would still go. I was nervous about taking on the drive by myself but was really excited to get to the beach so hey..gotta do what you gotta do.
TORI IS THE PERFECT BABY IN THE CAR. Seriously, not a peep out of her. She basically napped and then had conversations with her toy elephant that she loves.
Fast forward to the beach, me, my mom and Tor packed up our umbrella, sun screen, towels and were off. Our motel was 2 blocks from the beach so it wasn't a bad walk. Tori was so good on the beach. I let her put her little toes into the ocean water and it was so cute, she definitely got startled from the cold water but wasn't upset or anything from it... An adorable old woman saw her and said "Awe, I love her thighs" ... me too lady, me too =)
This was also a special trip because it was the firs time my mom has been to the beach since me my brother and sister were kids. She also had never been to Rehoboth and loved it. We had lunch at Grottos, ate dinner at Catchers, shopped on Rehoboth ave and walked on the boardwalk. It was nice not having to drive anywhere and we just really enjoyed our time at the beach. It went fast and furious and I would have loved to get to stay another day but the beach is expensive lol!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


People who complain about people who post baby pictures on fbook all the time...bite me. Yeah, you're right.. its not babybook but ya kno... its also not puppybook, its not foodbook, its not workoutbook, its not politicalrantbook and so on. On behalf of all the mommies out there, if you don't want to see the 101 pictures of my baby, unfriend me, I promise I will not miss you.



Sunday, July 14, 2013

Behler wedding and a ROLL

I cannot believe we are in mid July.. I feel like I start every post with those words but seriously, life just seems to be flying by. I have been savoring the long days my little family has been getting to spend together and cant believe Dan will be back to school in a short month and a half. Victoria and I will miss him so much... we like having Daddy with us all day.
Last night we had Meredith and Travis' wedding at the Yorktowne Hotel. It was so beautiful. The minister did a really nice job with the ceremony, it was very personalized and was just the right length of time. Mer and Travy had a really fun bridal party so we had a great time together in the limo and at the reception. The DJ played a lot of awesome music and the food was so good! So crazy that my best friend since 6th grade is married. That officially makes the entire tri pod married. Jenna was able to come to the wedding from Atlanta, it was so good seeing her. Jenna is by far one of the funniest people I know and everytime I am with her I end up laughing to the point of stomach pains lol.
Mer & Travy- I love you both so much. Travis, you are the only person in the world who could possibly put up with Mer the way you do(lol)... I appreciate everything you do for her and the amount of fun you bring to her life. Your personalities balance each other out so well. Congratulations!

On the home front: Victoria now rolls over. It is SOOOO cute. She starts rocking back and forth and then uses her legs to sort of throw them over and give herself that extra push to get over. Once she is on her belly she doesn't really know what to do from there lol so she basically looks around, sucks on her hand and waits for me to push her back over. She is one step closer to mobility.. and I am not going to lie, I may have cried a little when I saw her roll over lol.
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